Steph's Here
Stephanie and Arn arrived last night dressed for first class, but alas they were bumped. Arn drinks coffee--a challenge in our house, but Steph was up to the challenge and worked it out. Marisa is going to take them around places today and tomorrow--I heard something about the ESPN Fun Zone for tonight. I have a debate tonight, so no Fun Zone for me.
The campaign trail is up hill (literally--my knees were killing me after walking just 1/2 of one precinct last week). We have these great door hangers and we're sending post cards to all the people who requested absentee ballots and I'm designing ads for the newspaper. "Kathryn contributes a great deal to our community. Her volunteer effort balanced with her career is a good example of what can be accomplished with hard work and dedication." That's a quote from when I was named Woman of Acheivement, so we're going to put it in the ad. I think it's pretty cool. Another ad is going to list 100 people who are my proud supporters, in hopes that they know thousands of people who respect their opinion. Three more weeks.
The campaign trail is up hill (literally--my knees were killing me after walking just 1/2 of one precinct last week). We have these great door hangers and we're sending post cards to all the people who requested absentee ballots and I'm designing ads for the newspaper. "Kathryn contributes a great deal to our community. Her volunteer effort balanced with her career is a good example of what can be accomplished with hard work and dedication." That's a quote from when I was named Woman of Acheivement, so we're going to put it in the ad. I think it's pretty cool. Another ad is going to list 100 people who are my proud supporters, in hopes that they know thousands of people who respect their opinion. Three more weeks.
At March 16, 2005 at 11:18 AM,
EZ Travel said…
How come you get a Stephi and I don't? You probably don't even have a car seat that needs to be installed.
I am glad she is there and having fun. If you aren't already I think you should walk the precinct in your Reeboks; it will show the voters that you are sensible.
At March 16, 2005 at 11:33 AM,
KathrynVH said…
My e-mails not working today--the picnic has been canceled--no permit. I have new stuff for the website, but I'll have to wait until my e-mail works to get it to Erica. Thanks.
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