Uphill the Campaign Trail
I guess if Mom can blog from her trip, I can blog during my adventure. Yes, the adventure continues. The script is being finalized for the commercials (with me taking the high road, surprise, surprise). Shooting is set for Saturday even though we don't have all the volunteers who will be in it lined up yet. It'll all come together in the end. We're planning the precinct walks and a get out the vote picnic and of course newspaper ads and brochures and mailing and I'm running out of money just thinking about it. Remember "Brewster's Millions", how he couldn't spend all his money until he ran for office. I keep thinking about the black hole.
Faster than a speeding bullet, she solves problems in her sleep, a vote for Kathy is a vote for infinity and beyond. Yes, the adventure continues. I have a few more gray hairs and I now know how to spell efficiency.
In other news, Adam got an A on his report card, but all the rest of the grades were disappointing. Yes, it was in baseball which he tries to count when he adds up his grade point average to make sure that he'll be allowed to play baseball. Let's just say that I'm learning a lot of spanish this year (going over and over endless lists to drill him)
Marisa and Josh got a car and we lined up insurance. The insurance was very reasonably priced which of course makes me nervous, but we'll see. Marisa is still working at Hows, but the one in Pasadena.
All seems pretty calm with Melody lately--she's been here a little over a year now, but I didn't remember the exact date and forgot to make a big deal about it. We love her at the office--she can do any task they ask her to with minimal direction. Ah, Van Houten/Beauregard genes! That should be my campaign slogan!
Faster than a speeding bullet, she solves problems in her sleep, a vote for Kathy is a vote for infinity and beyond. Yes, the adventure continues. I have a few more gray hairs and I now know how to spell efficiency.
In other news, Adam got an A on his report card, but all the rest of the grades were disappointing. Yes, it was in baseball which he tries to count when he adds up his grade point average to make sure that he'll be allowed to play baseball. Let's just say that I'm learning a lot of spanish this year (going over and over endless lists to drill him)
Marisa and Josh got a car and we lined up insurance. The insurance was very reasonably priced which of course makes me nervous, but we'll see. Marisa is still working at Hows, but the one in Pasadena.
All seems pretty calm with Melody lately--she's been here a little over a year now, but I didn't remember the exact date and forgot to make a big deal about it. We love her at the office--she can do any task they ask her to with minimal direction. Ah, Van Houten/Beauregard genes! That should be my campaign slogan!
At February 18, 2005 at 4:57 AM,
EZ Travel said…
You are so good. Nobody has run a negative ad against you, have they? I love the new slogan.
Amazon Van Houten Woman reporting for duty.
I am going over to Adam's blog now to read all about his report card.
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