No Cake Walk
Where on earth did that phrase originate--I went to a cake walk once--it's like musical chairs, but whereever you land you get the cake and I guess since all cake is good cake, it doesn't matter where you land so it's all good--a cake walk. See what a great problem solver I am.
The City Clerk candidate forum last night was very interesting. Scoping out the competition, screwing up my speech and generally sounding lightweight by comparison was the call of the day. They all seem very nice, but even now I want to give them advice about what they are doing wrong. This is good I suppose that I can see their weaknesses, but unfortunely I practically shouted mine, so we're even. Lorna is the best prepared candidate and probably the most qualified (except for me, of course). Stephanie is a delight--she's well qualified and the most charming (except for me, of course). Paulette is too young. She wants it the most (except for me, of course) and Adrienne says there's a bunch of signs out for her already. The guys in the race are too cavalier (but then, so am I). Arty is charming and young and so not right for the job--he's an activist and he'd be bored in a minute. Steve is very nice, has a long list of community service (not as long as mine, of course), but I don't know--he looks tired. George is retiring from business--he looks like he'd retire after one year on the job as City Clerk, so it's a little hard to take him seriously. He did say that he would expand the office to give them more room if he was elected--tipping me off as to how small my new office will be. I hope there's enough room for the Kincaids. All in all, it's going to cost money and it's not a sure thing. Of course, if it wasn't difficult, it wouldn't be an adventure now would it. I'm going to need a lot of signs.
The City Clerk candidate forum last night was very interesting. Scoping out the competition, screwing up my speech and generally sounding lightweight by comparison was the call of the day. They all seem very nice, but even now I want to give them advice about what they are doing wrong. This is good I suppose that I can see their weaknesses, but unfortunely I practically shouted mine, so we're even. Lorna is the best prepared candidate and probably the most qualified (except for me, of course). Stephanie is a delight--she's well qualified and the most charming (except for me, of course). Paulette is too young. She wants it the most (except for me, of course) and Adrienne says there's a bunch of signs out for her already. The guys in the race are too cavalier (but then, so am I). Arty is charming and young and so not right for the job--he's an activist and he'd be bored in a minute. Steve is very nice, has a long list of community service (not as long as mine, of course), but I don't know--he looks tired. George is retiring from business--he looks like he'd retire after one year on the job as City Clerk, so it's a little hard to take him seriously. He did say that he would expand the office to give them more room if he was elected--tipping me off as to how small my new office will be. I hope there's enough room for the Kincaids. All in all, it's going to cost money and it's not a sure thing. Of course, if it wasn't difficult, it wouldn't be an adventure now would it. I'm going to need a lot of signs.
At January 11, 2005 at 11:35 AM,
Adrienne said…
In case you didnt know Kathryn Van Houten for City Clerk has a brand new website.
At January 11, 2005 at 8:11 PM,
Gretchen said…
Maybe it's just me since I can't open Erika's stuff either, but I get just the red X and not your picture at
At January 12, 2005 at 7:58 AM,
paulette said…
A cake walk is a fundraising technique wherein there is a circle of numbers on the floor corresponding to numbers on a wheel. You pay your money for the privilege of walking around the numbers while the music is playing (much like musical chairs). After everyone has landed on a number, the wheel is spun and the person on the number that the wheel lands on gets the cake.
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