In the Middle of a Good Book
Well, I started Little Earthquakes because I had ten minutes to kill. Big mistake. I don't have time to read it now and I can't put it down. It invades all my time, by sitting over there looking compelling. I mean I'm already an expert procrastinator and now I have yet another arrow in the quiver diverting me.
I'm on the nominating committee for PTA. I volunteered because I wanted to be on the board. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the nominating committee will appoint people they know and if you want to be on the board, get on the nominating committee. So we got together, juggled things around, made some calls, made offers, got turned down, got a few reluctant ok's (with promises that we'd help and do all the work, if they'd just take the title) and today after the slate is finally done we get the grief for our choices. No good deed goes unpunished, that's all I can say. Tonight is Girl Scout Cookies. In November there were 19 troops registered and today there are 27, but of course I only have supplies for 19. This is going to be so much fun. I refuse to do cookie booths, but council (in their wisdom) has set out all this criteria for cookie booths. I don't have any volunteers willing to do all this stuff that council says will be done for the troops. Council wants lists and times and quite frankly, no one is willing to put it together. I'm so not looking forward to this year's cookie sale.
People are calling to encourage me in the City Clerk race and that's nice, but when I actually turn around and ask for help, the encouragement takes a step backwards. I still need to get a straw hat and I need to make some buttons. (Of course, one lady cautioned me against buttons "after the fiasco of the buttons in the last race"--apparently in the ABC measure race, buttons were worn "too much.") Doris said that Pam Ellis' husband would help with lawn signs, but Pam says that they are best friends with one of the other candidates, so that might not work. This morning I got a call from a homeowner's association that is putting on a forum for the City Clerk race--next Monday (same day as PTA, which is actually a good excuse to miss the PTA meeting for the senoritis program that doesn't really apply to me). Less than a weeks notice--this is going to be fun.
I went to see Beyond the Sea about Bobby Darin on Sunday with Gloria--it was so good. Caveat: I had no expectations whatsoever, so just the good singing was enough to carry the picture. I like Kevin Spacey, but it really was an indulgent picture with him pretty much doing anything he wanted. I enjoyed it, nonetheless.
And lest we all forget that I am wasting away to nothing--I finally achieved my half way point (and had to put a safety pin in the back of my slacks that are falling down). I have no time to eat this week which is really my biggest challenge--forcing myself to eat small meals at reasonable intervals. I sure hope I can keep this up forever. In and Out Burger is starting to call me--between that and Little Earthquakes, I'm getting very distracted.
I'm on the nominating committee for PTA. I volunteered because I wanted to be on the board. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the nominating committee will appoint people they know and if you want to be on the board, get on the nominating committee. So we got together, juggled things around, made some calls, made offers, got turned down, got a few reluctant ok's (with promises that we'd help and do all the work, if they'd just take the title) and today after the slate is finally done we get the grief for our choices. No good deed goes unpunished, that's all I can say. Tonight is Girl Scout Cookies. In November there were 19 troops registered and today there are 27, but of course I only have supplies for 19. This is going to be so much fun. I refuse to do cookie booths, but council (in their wisdom) has set out all this criteria for cookie booths. I don't have any volunteers willing to do all this stuff that council says will be done for the troops. Council wants lists and times and quite frankly, no one is willing to put it together. I'm so not looking forward to this year's cookie sale.
People are calling to encourage me in the City Clerk race and that's nice, but when I actually turn around and ask for help, the encouragement takes a step backwards. I still need to get a straw hat and I need to make some buttons. (Of course, one lady cautioned me against buttons "after the fiasco of the buttons in the last race"--apparently in the ABC measure race, buttons were worn "too much.") Doris said that Pam Ellis' husband would help with lawn signs, but Pam says that they are best friends with one of the other candidates, so that might not work. This morning I got a call from a homeowner's association that is putting on a forum for the City Clerk race--next Monday (same day as PTA, which is actually a good excuse to miss the PTA meeting for the senoritis program that doesn't really apply to me). Less than a weeks notice--this is going to be fun.
I went to see Beyond the Sea about Bobby Darin on Sunday with Gloria--it was so good. Caveat: I had no expectations whatsoever, so just the good singing was enough to carry the picture. I like Kevin Spacey, but it really was an indulgent picture with him pretty much doing anything he wanted. I enjoyed it, nonetheless.
And lest we all forget that I am wasting away to nothing--I finally achieved my half way point (and had to put a safety pin in the back of my slacks that are falling down). I have no time to eat this week which is really my biggest challenge--forcing myself to eat small meals at reasonable intervals. I sure hope I can keep this up forever. In and Out Burger is starting to call me--between that and Little Earthquakes, I'm getting very distracted.
At January 5, 2005 at 4:53 AM,
EZ Travel said…
Congratulations on the half-way point and good luck with the cookies. I remember how miserable that was. I hope you can get through all of the election crap and just get in there so you can start doing a great job.
At January 5, 2005 at 6:41 AM,
paulette said…
Didn't we used to have someone in the family that was a passable rough carpenter. Maybe he could help with lawn signs. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Daddy.
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