Vote or die
That's Dad's suggested slogan for my campaign. Artie is taking 10 weeks off of work to campaign and Paulette (these are the two youngsters in the race) has borrowed $50,000 to pay for her campaign. At least she's only wasting her own money. Lorna raised over $5,000 in 2004 and that's all the paper wrote about today. I'm doing ok--my goal is to ask for $100 from 100 people, except that I'm told I need more than that, so then I have to ask for $100 from 150 people, but the consultant will spend all that on just mailing, so then I need to ask even more people, so I'm thinking I need more friends. The consultant wants to do glitzy mailings that I hate and throw away as soon as I walk in the door. He claims that's how to get known and elected. I think I need to go door to door to a whole lot of doors. We're working on door hangers for the places where people aren't home. And last night I met a girl who prints business cards (another of Dad's ideas--get business cards with my picture and name on them--so people can put my name to my face).
In other news, people like my new suits--they don't know why they like my new suits until I say "Yes, I've lost a lot of weight" (I mean these are cheap suits from Sears--nothing to write home about). Now I'm getting nervous. It's becoming tempting to stop eating, but I know that's bad and I'm afraid to eat so I force myself and then I'm afraid I ate too much. I think I'll get my old suits back out.
Oh and finally, I'm schizophrenic. Yes, the egocentric that I am has rounded the bend. Last night we interviewed five scholarship applicants for ABWA who are going to (or just transfered from) Glendale Community College. I had so much in common with every one of them that I started to realize that I'm actually schizophrenic in that I can accomidate every other person's life into my own. Very spooky. (Literally though--one was pre-law, one loved children, one was really good at numbers and wasn't being used to her full potential, one wanted to help people and loved a teaching experience she had in elementary school and on and on.)
Back to the coal mine. George just called--there's a problem with the lawn signs. Panic is a heartbeat away.
In other news, people like my new suits--they don't know why they like my new suits until I say "Yes, I've lost a lot of weight" (I mean these are cheap suits from Sears--nothing to write home about). Now I'm getting nervous. It's becoming tempting to stop eating, but I know that's bad and I'm afraid to eat so I force myself and then I'm afraid I ate too much. I think I'll get my old suits back out.
Oh and finally, I'm schizophrenic. Yes, the egocentric that I am has rounded the bend. Last night we interviewed five scholarship applicants for ABWA who are going to (or just transfered from) Glendale Community College. I had so much in common with every one of them that I started to realize that I'm actually schizophrenic in that I can accomidate every other person's life into my own. Very spooky. (Literally though--one was pre-law, one loved children, one was really good at numbers and wasn't being used to her full potential, one wanted to help people and loved a teaching experience she had in elementary school and on and on.)
Back to the coal mine. George just called--there's a problem with the lawn signs. Panic is a heartbeat away.
At February 3, 2005 at 12:06 AM,
marty said…
Question: What was the subject of the e-mail you though ment your dad was still in favor of the photo.
Answer: Let's see, I think it was "Forget the photo."
At February 3, 2005 at 11:09 AM,
KathrynVH said…
Gees--yes you did suggest it, then later you sent me an e-mail to lose it. I still like the picture idea and I'm happy to steal the idea as my own if it will make you feel better. Poetic license, can I get one of those please.
At February 3, 2005 at 1:07 PM,
marty said…
I think you have to see the City Clerk for one.
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