New cars (or the glass is half full from the ground)
That's the view from my window at the office. There's a roof top parking lot across the street that is always empty and apparently one of the car dealers found out about it and yesterday started driving new cars up here two at a time (two guys). One time when we saw the roof covered with new cars, they were all the same kind of car--very spooky seeing about 40 of the same color and same make of car, but this time they are all different except there are only four colors, grey, black, white and one red car. I'm betting they're fords, but I'm not into cars enought to figure it out.
It wasn't 9 pounds. At the gym it was only one, but hey I LOST A POUND. It could be worse. That glass is half full if I have to get down on the ground and look up at it.
Last night was girl scouts and so was the night before. On Monday night I had to help intervene in a troop gone bad--law suits were threatened. Luckily both sides felt like I was on their side and an uneasy peace has been restored. (felt a little like old Ben Franklin) Last night was camping planning. I refuse to go camping, but I offered to share my experience to help plan the trip. The person in charge has so much more experience then me, but I still charged in and made her change what she was planning. She sighed a lot, but my arguments made sense to her and I think she is ok with them. She wanted to lump the 4th grade juniors in with the brownies--they'll hate that--it's a receipt for disaster. I have a sneaking and paranoid suspicion that they make these rediculous plans that they know I'll never stand for, so that I'll go camping and save the day. Ha, I see them coming a mile away. Poor girls having to go camping without me. Deibe says she likes camping a lot more now that she has a cot. No.No.No.
Tonight is PTA Tour of Homes. They haven't even lined up the houses--I'll have to have my guard up so that I'm not sucked into too much work. Tomorrow is Adam's back to school night. I checked his math last night and I had to laugh out loud at my meeting--he wrote 8 instead of 18 and instead of realizing his mistake, he took three extra steps to make 8 work. Then I checked his english--the sentences were awful. I was just about to dispair, when I made him circle the subject and put a square around the verbs in each sentence (some of which had no verb and some of which had four pairs of subjects and verbs). He had no trouble finding the subject and verbs and after some prodding, he cleaned it up. All cleaned up, he had some good thoughts down on paper.
And finally, I resisted an all guilt alert this morning--Marisa called to say that she forgot her name tag, could I run it right over to her before 8 a.m. I said I couldn't get there until 8:30, because I had to go to the gym and take Adam to school at 8:20. I could have skipped the gym and driven to Hows and made it back in time to take Adam to school and take Melody to work, but I only lost one pound. I drag so much when I go to the gym at night. So feeling so guilty I stuck to my 8:30 offer and Marisa figured out how to live without it. I felt guilty walking to the gym and I felt guilty working out on the first two machines. Then incredible fatigue took over and I needed to consentrate on not falling down. When I got home, I had time for my shower and only left two minutes late to take Adam to school. I wasted no gas, making Melody come with me to take Adam and then onto work from there. Today I meet with the attorney handling the malpractice case against me--I'm perfectly calm, I'm perfectly calm, the glass is half full (from the ground anyway).
It wasn't 9 pounds. At the gym it was only one, but hey I LOST A POUND. It could be worse. That glass is half full if I have to get down on the ground and look up at it.
Last night was girl scouts and so was the night before. On Monday night I had to help intervene in a troop gone bad--law suits were threatened. Luckily both sides felt like I was on their side and an uneasy peace has been restored. (felt a little like old Ben Franklin) Last night was camping planning. I refuse to go camping, but I offered to share my experience to help plan the trip. The person in charge has so much more experience then me, but I still charged in and made her change what she was planning. She sighed a lot, but my arguments made sense to her and I think she is ok with them. She wanted to lump the 4th grade juniors in with the brownies--they'll hate that--it's a receipt for disaster. I have a sneaking and paranoid suspicion that they make these rediculous plans that they know I'll never stand for, so that I'll go camping and save the day. Ha, I see them coming a mile away. Poor girls having to go camping without me. Deibe says she likes camping a lot more now that she has a cot. No.No.No.
Tonight is PTA Tour of Homes. They haven't even lined up the houses--I'll have to have my guard up so that I'm not sucked into too much work. Tomorrow is Adam's back to school night. I checked his math last night and I had to laugh out loud at my meeting--he wrote 8 instead of 18 and instead of realizing his mistake, he took three extra steps to make 8 work. Then I checked his english--the sentences were awful. I was just about to dispair, when I made him circle the subject and put a square around the verbs in each sentence (some of which had no verb and some of which had four pairs of subjects and verbs). He had no trouble finding the subject and verbs and after some prodding, he cleaned it up. All cleaned up, he had some good thoughts down on paper.
And finally, I resisted an all guilt alert this morning--Marisa called to say that she forgot her name tag, could I run it right over to her before 8 a.m. I said I couldn't get there until 8:30, because I had to go to the gym and take Adam to school at 8:20. I could have skipped the gym and driven to Hows and made it back in time to take Adam to school and take Melody to work, but I only lost one pound. I drag so much when I go to the gym at night. So feeling so guilty I stuck to my 8:30 offer and Marisa figured out how to live without it. I felt guilty walking to the gym and I felt guilty working out on the first two machines. Then incredible fatigue took over and I needed to consentrate on not falling down. When I got home, I had time for my shower and only left two minutes late to take Adam to school. I wasted no gas, making Melody come with me to take Adam and then onto work from there. Today I meet with the attorney handling the malpractice case against me--I'm perfectly calm, I'm perfectly calm, the glass is half full (from the ground anyway).
At September 30, 2004 at 5:02 AM,
EZ Travel said…
Stick to your guns and get to the gym. You didn't say if you got Marisa her name badge. Inquiring minds and all. We need to know the important stuff.
What is it about boys and careless work. I have been hearing a lot of stories about school-age boys (OK I read too many blogs), and they know all of the material but they just make careless mistakes. I don't ever remember being careless about my homework, but I bet Karl was. Commence beating Adam about the head with a noodle. (Jackson discovered my pool noodle yesterday and I beat him with it--he loved it.)
At September 30, 2004 at 9:08 AM,
KathrynVH said…
I guess they made Marisa a new name tag. I don't know if its all boys or just boys who are bored. Sirapi at my office said her son was like this last year and he just started private school--he's now excited about school and very involved in his work--she's thrilled (but it costs $750 per month and this is only the first couple of weeks). I'm going to back to school night tonight. I went into the office this morning at the school to drop off the PTA newsletter and about 10 people I barely recognize said "Hi Kathy, we're so glad to see you"--I didn't know hardly any of those people. I kept looking at my back to see if I had a sign on my back that said, say Hi Kathy to me. Anyway, I guess that I'm as involved as I can be.
At October 1, 2004 at 4:45 AM,
EZ Travel said…
I was wondering when you were going to notice the sign we put on your back. That is actually a very good idea. I'm liking it.
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