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I didn't watch the end of the Daily Show last night, but did he have Pat Buchanan on to tout his new book??? I think Kerry was on a few weeks ago, Clinton also, I'm not going to be a bit surprised to see Bush, although I don't think we'll ever see Dick Chaney. I heard a piece on NPR that the Daily Show is being aired in Eastern block European countries and the question was whether they would get the inside American jokes. The answer was, they're telling them more than we are, so they love it. They asked whether the tricks of language would translate and the answer was that most of the demographic that will watch it speak english. John Stewart was asked why he is successful at political comedy--why is he so popular. He said, Well I am jewish--we pretty much get to say whatever we want and everyone loves it. Steven Colbare (I have no idea how to spell his name) was asked about whether the show's irony would translate in European countries and he said not everyone gets it in this country and he tells about a piece that he did about all the minorities bickering at the democratic convention and the joke at the end was we won't have to deal with all these voices at the republican convention meaning that republicans are not diverse. A prominent republican was complimenting him on his work and mentioned that bit as the funniest he'd heard and Colbare said, I'm a democrate, I'm making fun of republican's intolerance for diversity and the guy said, Oh, that wasn't how I took it.
At September 15, 2004 at 12:09 PM,
EZ Travel said…
I didn't stay up for the end either. Yes, he did have Pat Buchanan on (which is why I didn't stay up). He is getting the big names from all parties. But you are right, Dick is the last person I would expect to see on the show. Very funny about the republican not getting the joke. He probably thought it was a joke about all of the riff-raff that the democrats let into their convention.
At September 15, 2004 at 5:06 PM,
marty said…
Pat was great.
At September 16, 2004 at 5:24 AM,
EZ Travel said…
If there weren't, like, a huricane in Florida I would so be at the Cooter Festival right now.
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