I get my news on Comedy Central
Well, the windows are in and look great. It wasn't the worst construction work that's been done at our house, but they won't medal either. Adam helped me deliver the four giant boxes of PTA newsletters for Hoover (carrying two at a time when I could barely lift one). That job is done for a month. Julieanne told Patricia that I begged for the job. I did tell Julieanne that I would do any job she wanted, but I balked when it was such a biggie. It's not that bad though--who knew the s__t would hit the fan at work while I was carting newsletters all over town. I got back to work to chaos that is going to weigh me down for a while (but hopefully not ruin my relaxing and wonderful last vacation of the summer).
We had the final meeting of the young democrats this morning--the luncheon we have been planning is next week. At one point one of the gals said that she's trying to decide if she should make sponsorship cards for the tables even though not everyone at the table will be from that sponsor's group. I offered my opinion that they shouldn't do that because it will lead to confusion. She said "This is not a debate" rudely and moved on to a different topic. Well that shut me up. I guess I'm just not cut out for politics.
It's ABWA tonight--I've got a lot of balls in the air again, but I'm not looking forward to being in the thick of things. It's been a pretty nice lazy summer. I think I could really get used to lazy. I haven't been to the gym in weeks. Very bad.
I heard a news report on NPR this morning that said, many people get their news on late night comedy shows--that's me. Give me John Stewart over Peter Jennings anyday. TTFN
We had the final meeting of the young democrats this morning--the luncheon we have been planning is next week. At one point one of the gals said that she's trying to decide if she should make sponsorship cards for the tables even though not everyone at the table will be from that sponsor's group. I offered my opinion that they shouldn't do that because it will lead to confusion. She said "This is not a debate" rudely and moved on to a different topic. Well that shut me up. I guess I'm just not cut out for politics.
It's ABWA tonight--I've got a lot of balls in the air again, but I'm not looking forward to being in the thick of things. It's been a pretty nice lazy summer. I think I could really get used to lazy. I haven't been to the gym in weeks. Very bad.
I heard a news report on NPR this morning that said, many people get their news on late night comedy shows--that's me. Give me John Stewart over Peter Jennings anyday. TTFN
At August 26, 2004 at 5:41 AM,
EZ Travel said…
Me too. I love John Stewart. Did you see Kerry on Tuesday? He wasn't terribly funny but I think he did fine. They did have a laugh over Edwards announcing his candidacy on Stewart's show (Stewart said to him afterward "I don't think this really counts.") and ending up as the VP choice. And his summary of the Lying-Swift-Boat-Idiots-for-"Truth" was fantastic.
BTW have we ever gotten flight information out of you. I needed to tell the Zynda's when we would be coming by on Sunday and all I could say is "After Kathy leaves, whenever that is." Lyle talked to his Grandmother last night and we will be going to see her Sunday morning, but I am hoping that we can get the baby in the water again since it is supposed to be warm.
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