Procrastination (But I Digress)

Monday, August 09, 2004

There are too many shoes in the world

We had a great time on Friday night and Saturday day in San Diego and were too tired to have any fun Saturday night or Sunday morning, but by Sunday afternoon, Shamu made us happy again. Driving to San Diego three miles per hour over the hills gives you a startling perception of how many people there are in the world. Literally tons and tons of people. There were red and white lights from just a teeny tiny fraction of those people as far as the eye could see on the freeway. The Padres had about 40,000 people at the game and their annual attendance was in the millions, but Adrienne said, that's patetic--Dodgers have a much higher attendance. After driving around for a long time and getting lost twice, we followed very small, dirty and vandalized signs to the beach in San Diego. It was so crowded--litterally teaming with people. How did they find it. Then there were the shoes. We each had two pairs of shoes on this trip. That seems pretty reasonable--sandles for the beach and tennis shoes for walking around at Sea World. There was a little girl waiting at the restraunt (for over an hour we waited to eat after spending the entire day at the beach in the sun and ocean). She had the prettiest little shoes--really high quality workmanship. Her parents seemed pretty affluent--they invited all the kids in their party (which was about fifteen people including grandparents and cousins) to go in their car to watch bambi on DVD. And I thought--those shoes are going to fit her for ten minutes. Her parents are going to give them to good will when they are done with them and at least one other little kid will wear them. Heck, lets give those really pretty little shoes a break and assume ten more kids will wear them in Mexico and South America after the kids in the US are finished with them. How many pairs of shoes do people have in their life time--how many clothes do they each have over a lifetime. There are so many people--I just can't comprehend it all. But I try, because the alternative is to think about Hawaii. How come I'm going to San Diego when I want to be in Hawaii. I got a postcard inviting me to Hawaii to listen to a 90 minute talk on a time share there. I don't have any vacation time and I'd be way too tempted to sign up for something I can't afford, but I'm not throwing that post card away.


  • At August 9, 2004 at 11:58 AM, Blogger EZ Travel said…

    Did you knock her down and take the shoes? There are way too many other people in the world. I know a rabid squirrel that could take care of a few of them. Luckily there are no other people in Hawaii.

  • At August 9, 2004 at 2:39 PM, Blogger KathrynVH said…

    Speaking of squirrels, I hope this experience does not temp you to put Jackson into a hermedically sealed bubble. He has to get exposed to all the evils of nature, to build up his immunity. That's exposed, not emersed. I'm glad the red dots didn't last. Love, Auntie Kay

  • At August 9, 2004 at 3:08 PM, Blogger Gretchen said…

    Speaking of Ads, I think they must actually read each blog. Kathy today yours was for volunteering.

  • At August 10, 2004 at 5:51 AM, Blogger paulette said…

    That's why your father and I decided to have just enough kids to wear out the clothes and shoes. When they were all worn out, we stopped having kids.


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