Procrastination (But I Digress)

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Summer Movies

I've seen a few movies this summer and I'm planning to see a few more.  I don't like it when Erika hyperlinks us to a site on the internet about a movie, because then I can't (for who knows what reason) get back to Erika's blog and I have to start all over.  I have learned not to hit the link, but whenever I skip a link I get a nagging feeling in my brain that I'm missing something good.  Like when you go to bed early and you can hear everyone laughing--you just know you're missing something good, so you get up and there's nothing there.  They stop laughing and say "why did you get up?"  Boy did I digress.  It is one of my favorite pastimes.

Anyway, I went to see Stepford Wives with Dad.  I was shocked that he wanted to see it and while it was a marginally good spoof and good to see actresses that I like, I could have missed it.  Then we went to see Feriheight 911 which was really funny.  Too bad it's true.  Then I went to see Anchorman with Adam.  That was funny, but really dumb.  Not as good as Elf, but I'm guessing better than School Days or whatever that dumb first movie by Will Ferrall was that I only saw previews for.

Then we (Adam and I) on a whim, since we found ourselves with nothing to do and 40 minutes to get to the movie went to see Spiderman 2.  (P.S.  Stop reading if you want to be surprised when you go see this movie.  Wait, I can't stop laughing--ok, go ahead.)  At first the movie was a little slow, babies in the theater cried and it was very distracting.  Then Spiderman started to fly between buildings and so did we.  It was like being on a roller coaster.  And the plot was good and so was the character development, but the best part of the movie is that you really felt like you were reading a comic strip.  They started or ended the scenes with a still that you could totally picture in a comic strip and the speeches that some of the characters gave were so corny, you could practically see the bubble.  I loved the incredulous look Spiderman gave the maker of corny speeches.  But my favorite line in the whole movie was when the best friend finds out who Spiderman is and wants to kill him, but Spiderman says "There are bigger things than you and I right now."  Ha.  Only that the bad guy had kidnapped the girl and was going to blow up the world.  I love summer movies.


  • At July 22, 2004 at 11:35 AM, Blogger paulette said…

    Bright, pretty, impractical, a little corny and prone to digression. What more could a mother ask for?

  • At July 22, 2004 at 7:43 PM, Blogger EZ Travel said…

    I am doing pretty good for someone with a 7-month old baby at home. I have seen all of those except Stepford Wives (I'll catch it on video) and Spiderman (I have no interest in Spiderman). Lyle went with Elaine and Mark and said it was OK, but I just don't feel the pull.

  • At July 23, 2004 at 9:07 AM, Blogger KathrynVH said…

    Neither did I. It is amazing what zero expectations can accomplish.


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