PT Blues
So the president of the ptsa is giving me a hard time and I'm thinking, oooo, mayby I can get fired and I'd have one less job to do. But instead of taking my veiled resignation she tells me that I shouldn't even think of resigning and she's going to ask other people to give me their advice--not help, advice. Yeah, I really need more cooks. Can I send her stuff I've already sent her so that she can make sure that I'm doing more than I've just said that I have time to do.
Today is my first day for the teaching job. There is a career module to present to the kids that is on a disc, so I went to print it out. At chapter four (of about 20), I went to the printer to see how it was going. The printer was on page 76 and it was still in chapter 2. So I stopped printing and it ended on 138. I have to figure out how to read the darn thing without printing it and it's all transparencies and senerios to present to the kids, so I need my computer in the class if I can't print the darn thing out. What a pain. Luckily no one is signed up for the class, so it's probably all moot. The advertisement for the class invited pre-law students. All of my instruction material is to introduce working in an entry level job at a law firm. The guy at the school district wants me to run moot courts and debates. The material from the county wants me to teach kids how to interview for jobs and fill out an application. Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
I am so busy at the office, that it feels like all the years worth of work is being scrunched into two months. And I have no secretary. That's hardly unusual, but being this busy is and so now it's very uncomfortable. I keep hearing Jerry Stiller in my head from Seinfeld, "Serentity Now!"
Today is my first day for the teaching job. There is a career module to present to the kids that is on a disc, so I went to print it out. At chapter four (of about 20), I went to the printer to see how it was going. The printer was on page 76 and it was still in chapter 2. So I stopped printing and it ended on 138. I have to figure out how to read the darn thing without printing it and it's all transparencies and senerios to present to the kids, so I need my computer in the class if I can't print the darn thing out. What a pain. Luckily no one is signed up for the class, so it's probably all moot. The advertisement for the class invited pre-law students. All of my instruction material is to introduce working in an entry level job at a law firm. The guy at the school district wants me to run moot courts and debates. The material from the county wants me to teach kids how to interview for jobs and fill out an application. Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
I am so busy at the office, that it feels like all the years worth of work is being scrunched into two months. And I have no secretary. That's hardly unusual, but being this busy is and so now it's very uncomfortable. I keep hearing Jerry Stiller in my head from Seinfeld, "Serentity Now!"
At September 14, 2005 at 4:31 AM,
EZ Travel said…
I quoted a Seinfeld episode to a student yesterday and she looked at me like I had two heads. I can't believe knowing Seinfeld makes us old.
Good luck with the class.
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