See a Problem, Work it out
So just when I thought I'd paid the last fee to be hired as a teacher where I'll make very little money for what's promising to be a pretty big job, I got a letter from the County stating that I needed to take a level 1 class in the first two years and level 2 plus phys ed within the first five years. The level 1 class is four hours a week offered incredibly far away (2 hour drive there in traffic and maybe 1 hour drive back if I'm lucky) and it costs $590. So much for making extra money at an extra part time job. So I'm all bummed out about how much time & money this is going to take when I remember that ABWA has a scholarship program for members. I'm the chair, so I'll have to get someone else to take it over (two birds, one less job, I'm liking this). I love finding windows. Of course, it's still a seven hour a week endeavor (not to mention the five hours I'll be teaching and the hours to get ready to teach oh, and being president of abwa & kiwanis, program chair pta, trainer girl scouts, publicity for glendale beautiful, sponsor chair for 2006--yeah, I'm a busy, busy camper.)
My house is getting almost intolerable. That hum in my room is going to send me over a cliff and now the dog has decided to sleep with Melody--waking me up all night long jingling her tags. I keep kicking her out and someone else keeps leaving the door open. Too bad you can't buy "hermedically sealed" at the hardware store. I'm mulling--there must be a solution.
Finally, the guy that did the TB test looked at my arm 48 hours later and said, we don't report redness, so I'll put down negative, but if you feel a bump, contact your doctor immediately. 4 days later it's still red and I swear that sometimes I feel a bump. Could I have hysterical TB?? I don't have that coughing thing that I would associate with TB, but I'm not a doctor. Gee whiz, I thought I was busy before, now I have to go to medical school.
My house is getting almost intolerable. That hum in my room is going to send me over a cliff and now the dog has decided to sleep with Melody--waking me up all night long jingling her tags. I keep kicking her out and someone else keeps leaving the door open. Too bad you can't buy "hermedically sealed" at the hardware store. I'm mulling--there must be a solution.
Finally, the guy that did the TB test looked at my arm 48 hours later and said, we don't report redness, so I'll put down negative, but if you feel a bump, contact your doctor immediately. 4 days later it's still red and I swear that sometimes I feel a bump. Could I have hysterical TB?? I don't have that coughing thing that I would associate with TB, but I'm not a doctor. Gee whiz, I thought I was busy before, now I have to go to medical school.
At August 16, 2005 at 6:45 PM,
Gretchen said…
Hermetically sealed, isn't that what they advertise now for a saran wrap? You know that stuff they use to separate kids in the back seat of the car. Have you tried ear plugs?
At August 17, 2005 at 6:06 AM,
EZ Travel said…
Duct tape!!
There must be a closer place to take some education credits. Check around a little bit more. We have teachers taking a few classes all the time to keep up their credentials.
At August 17, 2005 at 9:03 AM,
KathrynVH said…
Ear plugs are uncomfortable and for some reason do nothing for the hum (it's probably in my brain). Last night I slept like a log and this morning the door was open (meaning the dog slept with Melody again), so maybe this will only be an everyother day problem (restless night, so tired the next night I'll sleep through anything).
I did check for closer places to take the level 1 class and while they have different places with an easier pace, they aren't any closer and they are harder to coordinate (level 1 with 5 units is offered a unit at a time at different times) Also,I'm told, the other places cost more. The problem is that LA County is so spread out and that wouldn't be so bad if traffic wasn't absolutely ridiculous.
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