Pink Kitties
What on earth, you are saying to yourself, unless you happen to know that the girl scout cookie incentives this year are all pink kitties. We have pink kitty braclets, pink kitty cargo pants, pink kitty tee shirts, pink kitty plush toys with a recorder inside and pink kitty beach towels that are shrunk to the size of a hockey puck that you then put in water and it comes out to a regular size (they are heavy too!). One girl who sold over 1,200 boxes gets a digital camera which made Marisa pine for the good old girl scout cookie sales days. There is a patch for troops that sold 2005 boxes in 2005 that is just a square with 2005 in it. Pretty tame, but then there's a theme patch shaped like a cat's head. I only had 12, so I called to find out what it was--it's the 2005 in 2005 patch for adults, because the adults will want to remember that this was the year of the kitty no doubt. I didn't sell 2005 boxes of cookies, so I don't get one (of course, I can probably talk one of the other leaders out of theirs).
I went to a funeral today for one of my clients. He passed away yesterday, so I was thinking the funeral would be Friday or Saturday, but he's jewish and the funeral was the very next day (today). The first thing that struck me was that the prayer book was backwards. Is it backwards because parts are in Hebrew and that's supposed to be read backwards? Is it backwards because the printer made a mistake and the funeral home doesn't want to go to the expense to have it printed correctly? I don't know. The next thing that struck me was that there are no head stones--they are all flat. Finally, the rabbi invited all of us to throw three shovels full of dirt on the casket to be truly part of the funeral. Is that to save the poor workers a little work? Do they get paid less? Some people took little tiny shovels full as a mere token, but others really filled the shovel up with dirt and flung it over the casket. It was very curious and reminded me a little of reality tv, since I really didn't know any of these people, but I was viewing a rather significant event in their lives.
Tonight is a rare night off of meetings, but I have nine boxes of girl scout incentives to count out by troop, so it's not really a night off. This weekend I have no plans other than to celebrate Adam's birthday whenever Adrienne says it's time, and to get an oil change, and maybe wash the car, and change the water filters, and clean my closets to get rid of the clothes I don't wear, and I'd like to wash the silverware--it's all filmy, and my desk really needs to be straighted out, and all the troops have to come over and pick up their incentives, and I'll need to go grocery shopping (on a shoestring) and make spagetti sauce, and go to curves (they are open on Memorial day, yeah!), and start getting the supplies together for girl scout swaps training that I'm doing next month, and put together packets for 2006 corporate sponsorship--I need to find really neat purple folders--I've got a great picture in my head, but I'm not so confident that the stores have had my vision, and that's about it--a nice relaxing weekend. Maybe I'll go to the library and get a book to read.
I went to a funeral today for one of my clients. He passed away yesterday, so I was thinking the funeral would be Friday or Saturday, but he's jewish and the funeral was the very next day (today). The first thing that struck me was that the prayer book was backwards. Is it backwards because parts are in Hebrew and that's supposed to be read backwards? Is it backwards because the printer made a mistake and the funeral home doesn't want to go to the expense to have it printed correctly? I don't know. The next thing that struck me was that there are no head stones--they are all flat. Finally, the rabbi invited all of us to throw three shovels full of dirt on the casket to be truly part of the funeral. Is that to save the poor workers a little work? Do they get paid less? Some people took little tiny shovels full as a mere token, but others really filled the shovel up with dirt and flung it over the casket. It was very curious and reminded me a little of reality tv, since I really didn't know any of these people, but I was viewing a rather significant event in their lives.
Tonight is a rare night off of meetings, but I have nine boxes of girl scout incentives to count out by troop, so it's not really a night off. This weekend I have no plans other than to celebrate Adam's birthday whenever Adrienne says it's time, and to get an oil change, and maybe wash the car, and change the water filters, and clean my closets to get rid of the clothes I don't wear, and I'd like to wash the silverware--it's all filmy, and my desk really needs to be straighted out, and all the troops have to come over and pick up their incentives, and I'll need to go grocery shopping (on a shoestring) and make spagetti sauce, and go to curves (they are open on Memorial day, yeah!), and start getting the supplies together for girl scout swaps training that I'm doing next month, and put together packets for 2006 corporate sponsorship--I need to find really neat purple folders--I've got a great picture in my head, but I'm not so confident that the stores have had my vision, and that's about it--a nice relaxing weekend. Maybe I'll go to the library and get a book to read.
At May 25, 2005 at 5:11 PM,
marty said…
It's not backwards. It's frontwards in a differnt direction. See separate post
At May 30, 2005 at 9:01 AM,
Megan said…
I got a pink and black kitten shirt.The cats eye's glow.It's kind of creepy.
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