It's in the can
Well, I've done everything I know how to do and now all that's left is the actual voting. I have nothing to do. It is very strange. Well, actually, I have girl scout cookie forms to fill out for the final paperwork and there's a pta board meeting tonight and I need to go grocery shopping and my office is a disaster area, but I have no campaigning left to do.
Wednesday is planning day. I can't make any plans until Wednesday and they are all purculating about in my head ready to boil over, but they can't come out until Wednesday. I'm staying up all night after the election to see the results, so that I can get those plans out of my head as early on Wednesday as possible. If I'm elected I start the new job the following Tuesday--aaaah. If not, I don't want to think about if not.
There are some very strange yellow stains all around the house. Josh says it's water damage. Why doesn't it dry out and stop turning yellow then? My house is not very happy about being on the back burner of my list of things to do and will have to be on the top on Wednesday.
Berna came on Saturday to clean--I love it when Berna comes to clean. Our house is very clean just now. The stove is all sparkly and you can see the actual carpet. I don't quite want to invite anyone over though. So I'll be watching the local channel with the results of the election with no party or fanfare. Maybe I'll save up some calories and have some popcorn.
Adrienne got tickets for Fever Pitch with Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon last night--I thought it was so cute--of course I loved it. Adam, not so much. He wants to go see "Amitiville Horror" on purpose.
Well even though I have nothing to do, I really should go eat my dinner and get to that pta board meeting. Maybe there will be someone there who almost forgot to vote that I can remind.
Wednesday is planning day. I can't make any plans until Wednesday and they are all purculating about in my head ready to boil over, but they can't come out until Wednesday. I'm staying up all night after the election to see the results, so that I can get those plans out of my head as early on Wednesday as possible. If I'm elected I start the new job the following Tuesday--aaaah. If not, I don't want to think about if not.
There are some very strange yellow stains all around the house. Josh says it's water damage. Why doesn't it dry out and stop turning yellow then? My house is not very happy about being on the back burner of my list of things to do and will have to be on the top on Wednesday.
Berna came on Saturday to clean--I love it when Berna comes to clean. Our house is very clean just now. The stove is all sparkly and you can see the actual carpet. I don't quite want to invite anyone over though. So I'll be watching the local channel with the results of the election with no party or fanfare. Maybe I'll save up some calories and have some popcorn.
Adrienne got tickets for Fever Pitch with Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon last night--I thought it was so cute--of course I loved it. Adam, not so much. He wants to go see "Amitiville Horror" on purpose.
Well even though I have nothing to do, I really should go eat my dinner and get to that pta board meeting. Maybe there will be someone there who almost forgot to vote that I can remind.
At April 5, 2005 at 8:00 AM,
paulette said…
I wish I had a local chanel that I could watch the results on. You can't know how hard I am wishing for you. My dentist appointment or even Marisa's news can't push you from the top of my head.
I think the voters of Glendale will know a good thing when they see one and put you in office.
At April 5, 2005 at 1:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Elections results will be posted at beginning at 9:00 pm CA time - gretchen
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