Back to Girl Scouts
Today is Girl Scout day. It's the service unit meeting tonight, so I'll see all the leaders. It's time to pull together all the things that I'm doing for Girl Scouts. I'm doing a camping skills training on the 23rd which I hate, but someone's got to do it. I'm doing a Brownie training on May 7th and I can't remember what craft I wanted to have as a back up--it's so tedious going from having to do this stuff every week to only once a year. There's PA training for the sixth grade juniors--Jane still has a bunch of girls that need that training, but we never have a day we can all make, so I'll have to figure that day out. There's the banking that needs to be changed since I'm no longer the service unit manager, I shouldn't still be on the account, but I have all the records and the signature card and the refund check from the city, etc., etc. Then there's swaps. I offered to do a training for swaps because I remember being completely clueless about it when I became a leader. The problem is that I'm not the most creative swap person around, I'm just the only one willing to devote a Saturday to sharing what I do know. We'll need to pick a Saturday that people can make. Then there's the camping trip in September. I am not going. Here I'll say it louder I AM NOT GOING. I hope they heard me, because I am not going. We have a council training conference on the 31st of May and I really want to get out in front of Studio 2B for older girls. Maybe something with the YWCA, which reminds me, I'm on the nominating committee for the YWCA and I should be getting my list together.
At April 13, 2005 at 6:20 AM,
EZ Travel said…
Are you going on the camping trib in September?
At April 13, 2005 at 10:09 AM,
marty said…
Can't you read? It said she might. Something about she whould like to, but didn't know if they would let her.
At April 13, 2005 at 2:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe have the popsicle stick people as the back up craft...that seems to go over pretty well
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