Procrastination (But I Digress)

Monday, November 29, 2004

So I was listening to the news

And they said that Osama had a new tape on the Arab station which basically said that they will continue to fight the Americans until Washington changes its' policies. (and I thought, could they be a little more specific) So I switched the channel and I heard about the 17 year old kid who was the youngest person in the US to be sentenced to life in prison for killing a girl when he was twelve--he said he was doing a wrestling move he saw on tv. So I switched the channel again and heard about the murder of a woman and her baby by the estranged husband who then hijacked two cars, eventually crashing and rushing police who shot him dead. And I thought I want to get away from this horrible news, so I changed the channel again and I heard that a study was done and the true love's bill for the Twelve Days of Christmas is $115,000. The commentators went on to analyse how the estimate was achieved--did the maids a milking get eight hours a day--did they change cows or just milk one cow dry--did they figure the return on selling the milk. Where the lords a leaping paid scale for an appearance or were they paid union hourly. It went on for about five minutes. Be careful what you wish for.


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