I'm not liking this key that says you are supposed to tell all the people around you about trying to lose weight. I have gotten way too much advice, number one from people who first need to be told how I'm not going to be eating all those vegetables that are good for me and number two from people who think they know my food choices and therefore have just the diet for me. (Just because I like steak, doesn't mean I'm willing to give up spagetti). I'm pretty good at small portions and I think giving up potato chips and snacks is going to have to do it all by itself. Time will tell.
I'm toying with the idea of riding a bike and it occurred to me that I've never worn a bike helmet. Never. That's how long its been since I was on a bike. So I decided that I'm going to wait until I am so much skinnier, so that I'll have a 50-50 chance of looking cute rather than ridiculous.
I'm toying with the idea of riding a bike and it occurred to me that I've never worn a bike helmet. Never. That's how long its been since I was on a bike. So I decided that I'm going to wait until I am so much skinnier, so that I'll have a 50-50 chance of looking cute rather than ridiculous.
At October 6, 2004 at 2:51 PM,
EZ Travel said…
Those are the same people that say "I know you don't like green beans, but you have to try **MY** green beans." What the hell are they thinking. What we will try to offer is support. Any advice given can be freely thrown out the window and ignored.
Remember my bike story. I got exactly as far as one hill away from home before I crashed and burned. I have a helmet if you want one.
At October 6, 2004 at 9:47 PM,
marty said…
Helmet recomended (by me) but not required if you are over 18. So if you want to admit to being over 18, have at it.
Tell those people 'my father has given me all the good advice it need.' Also you will note that most of the advice comes from, shall we say, less than slim people.
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