The Solution
I am always a little disappointed when the only new post is Erika (well Jackson), but if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem, so here we are. I went to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith this weekend--not the best movie on the planet, but they were kind of cute shooting everything in sight. They got beat up really badly and shot a lot (not a regular lot, an exponentially exceptional lot), and lived to go to marriage counseling looking none the less for wear. There were a couple of really funny lines ("You forgot my Mother's birthday" "Your fake Mother." I guess you had to be there.) Next week, I'm going to see Bewitched--I'm trying to have zero expectations--I find I like movies a lot better when I have zero expectations.
Tonight is my long awaiting "ice breaker" speech at Toastmasters (and I get to have pizza for dinner). The speech is supposed to be 4 to 6 minutes and when I read it, it is exactly 5 minutes (it is really, really good pizza). The problem is that I can't read it and I've cut so much out of it that when I try to say the speech without reading it, some of the stuff I cut out creeps back in (the first time I had the pizza, I ate all 8 slices so I wasn't allowed to have it for a while). Now I'm trying to practice the speech over and over to remind myself not to say the stuff I cut out (but then I was able to stop at four slices, so I'm going to try again tonight. I figure since I have to give a speech, there will be a natural time when the food will have to be put aside and hopefully that will be before all eight slices have found their way into me.)
Today is also the PTA board meeting. PTA seems like more work than ABWA and Kiwanis combined. They change the meetings with every holiday and school break to whatever day they feel like--very disconcerting to my schedule. ABWA is tomorrow and I'm expected to have all the chairships filled, lucky me. And next week the district govenor wants to meet with me to discuss our goals for Kiwanis next year--my term doesn't start until October--it's June for crying out loud.
I'm taking one day over the 4th of July weekend and cleaning the rest of my closet. I took all the clothes that don't fit out, but I still have boxes of junk in the bottom. I'm afraid to open them because I'm sure that there are spiders in them, so I'm devising a plan to open them outside and be brutal about throwing stuff away. Adrienne, you are not allowed to help--we have totally different realities for "brutal".
Tonight is my long awaiting "ice breaker" speech at Toastmasters (and I get to have pizza for dinner). The speech is supposed to be 4 to 6 minutes and when I read it, it is exactly 5 minutes (it is really, really good pizza). The problem is that I can't read it and I've cut so much out of it that when I try to say the speech without reading it, some of the stuff I cut out creeps back in (the first time I had the pizza, I ate all 8 slices so I wasn't allowed to have it for a while). Now I'm trying to practice the speech over and over to remind myself not to say the stuff I cut out (but then I was able to stop at four slices, so I'm going to try again tonight. I figure since I have to give a speech, there will be a natural time when the food will have to be put aside and hopefully that will be before all eight slices have found their way into me.)
Today is also the PTA board meeting. PTA seems like more work than ABWA and Kiwanis combined. They change the meetings with every holiday and school break to whatever day they feel like--very disconcerting to my schedule. ABWA is tomorrow and I'm expected to have all the chairships filled, lucky me. And next week the district govenor wants to meet with me to discuss our goals for Kiwanis next year--my term doesn't start until October--it's June for crying out loud.
I'm taking one day over the 4th of July weekend and cleaning the rest of my closet. I took all the clothes that don't fit out, but I still have boxes of junk in the bottom. I'm afraid to open them because I'm sure that there are spiders in them, so I'm devising a plan to open them outside and be brutal about throwing stuff away. Adrienne, you are not allowed to help--we have totally different realities for "brutal".
At June 22, 2005 at 5:48 AM,
EZ Travel said…
I loved that line in Mr. and Mrs. Smith too. I so understood her point. They had what we call "the Bruce Willis factor" going on. He shoots one bullet out of a tiny handgun and can kill two people, but 15 people are shooting automatic weapons at him and he comes out without a scratch. So it was silly, but fun.
That is a great second paragraph. I followed it just fine.
At June 22, 2005 at 10:34 AM,
paulette said…
Did I mention that Adrienne threw away all my ketchup. Lucky it went on sale and I bought two new bottles. I'm still working on the same bottle that was open when she was here but there is a measure of satisfaction knowing that there are two more bottles in the basement. Oh, no, now that I mentioned it she might throw them away when she comes in January.
At June 22, 2005 at 12:17 PM,
Adrienne said…
Ketchup is not the same as a tinkie. They have a shelf life! Remind me to bring my own in January! The ones I threw away were dated two years ago!
At June 22, 2005 at 12:17 PM,
Adrienne said…
At June 23, 2005 at 5:00 AM,
EZ Travel said…
Thanks for the clarification, you really had me wondering.
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