It's Let's Get Mushie Time
Yes, It's Marisa's birthday today--18 years old. To me, she's seemed 18 for a while now. I try to compare her to Adrienne at 18, but she's more like the oldest (that would be me) than the youngest in a family. Don't get me wrong--there's a lot of Adrienne in her. Today I let the dog in before Marisa thought she'd been out long enough and it was quickly overruled. Very Adrienne. (Like I care if that dog is out there shivering, curled up in a ball, huddled next to the door, with big old sad eyes, as if.) Anyway, I'm really proud of her too. I so wish she was going to college, but as has been relentlessly drummed into my head--my wish, not theirs. (That's you too, Steph and Mel).
And the picture of Jackson, throwing stacked toys over his shoulder--I can see all the kids doing that in my mind's eye. Will he talk back to the teacher with impunity as though it is his supreme right to question authority. Remember Risa in First Grade--no fear of her teacher at all. She was put in the corner for talking in class and she was still talking from the corner and she said, you told me that I was going to the corner for talking--of course I'm going to have to talk louder--I'm way over here in the corner. Big dumb teacher. Adrienne and I were trying to repremand her, but I was beaming with pride and couldn't stop smiling. Adrienne was all parent.
And Adam needs new pants--he's grown out of the old ones. He told me his size and that is the size of my first "real" jeans when I was seventeen. I can't believe I used to be that size, but I was. Either he's getting really big, or I have a long, long way to go on this "watch it" (it's not a diet).
Today was the big 1 0--that's ten big pounds that better stay away from me forever. It's funny--I think about food more, but I don't crave chips. I allow myself to eat just about anything, but in smaller portions and when I "cheat" (eat more than I planned), I'm really limited about it. Let's hope this keeps up. P.S. They haven't played the latin tape for two days, but now they've played the same country tape (really bad singers singing "I put Your Picture Away" OMG) both times I've been there. Be careful what you wish for.
And the picture of Jackson, throwing stacked toys over his shoulder--I can see all the kids doing that in my mind's eye. Will he talk back to the teacher with impunity as though it is his supreme right to question authority. Remember Risa in First Grade--no fear of her teacher at all. She was put in the corner for talking in class and she was still talking from the corner and she said, you told me that I was going to the corner for talking--of course I'm going to have to talk louder--I'm way over here in the corner. Big dumb teacher. Adrienne and I were trying to repremand her, but I was beaming with pride and couldn't stop smiling. Adrienne was all parent.
And Adam needs new pants--he's grown out of the old ones. He told me his size and that is the size of my first "real" jeans when I was seventeen. I can't believe I used to be that size, but I was. Either he's getting really big, or I have a long, long way to go on this "watch it" (it's not a diet).
Today was the big 1 0--that's ten big pounds that better stay away from me forever. It's funny--I think about food more, but I don't crave chips. I allow myself to eat just about anything, but in smaller portions and when I "cheat" (eat more than I planned), I'm really limited about it. Let's hope this keeps up. P.S. They haven't played the latin tape for two days, but now they've played the same country tape (really bad singers singing "I put Your Picture Away" OMG) both times I've been there. Be careful what you wish for.
At October 22, 2004 at 3:05 PM,
EZ Travel said…
Yes, I supplose Jackson might be a little defiant in the face of teachers, being a genious and all.
Congrats on the 10lbs. Keep it up.
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