Project Complete--Birthday a Success
I can't press enter after I type in the title or it publishes--who knew? So my Manual on Debt Collection is done. I stopped reading it over and over on Wednesday, so I'm not sure it's any good, but before Wednesday, it was pretty good. I e-mailed off a Word version after I spent about an hour fixing all the little gaffs between word perfect and Word (and going through about 100 help topics to figure out how to make the line spacing 1.5--good grief). I'm done, it's out. I guess I better get to all the other stuff on my desk.
Melody had a pretty nice birthday she says. We had a dinner at the house--a bunch of teenages decended on Adrienne and I, but it was fine. Mike is very nice. Josh tried to fix my toilet (being the apprentise plumber), but unfortunately he tighted something to stop the leak that needed to be loose in order to flush, so it's back to the drawing board. I still forgot to call a plumber.
I'm cross-stitching a puppy out of a book Adrienne and the kids got me last year for Christmas for a gal at work who likes dogs. I only have one color done, but it's starting to look so cute that I'm thinking maybe this making presents for people for Christmas instead of gift certificates that I can't afford is going to work. We'll see. I have about five more projects planned and that doesn't include anything for Jackson which is the most fun to do. I just got a card from Kathy (Lazzano) that Bailey is having a baby next month--they already know it is a girl. That is just not possible. Kathy's going to be a grandmother. So I'm getting out the baby bib cross-stitch book--luckily I have lots and lots of blank bibs waiting to be stitched. TTFN
Melody had a pretty nice birthday she says. We had a dinner at the house--a bunch of teenages decended on Adrienne and I, but it was fine. Mike is very nice. Josh tried to fix my toilet (being the apprentise plumber), but unfortunately he tighted something to stop the leak that needed to be loose in order to flush, so it's back to the drawing board. I still forgot to call a plumber.
I'm cross-stitching a puppy out of a book Adrienne and the kids got me last year for Christmas for a gal at work who likes dogs. I only have one color done, but it's starting to look so cute that I'm thinking maybe this making presents for people for Christmas instead of gift certificates that I can't afford is going to work. We'll see. I have about five more projects planned and that doesn't include anything for Jackson which is the most fun to do. I just got a card from Kathy (Lazzano) that Bailey is having a baby next month--they already know it is a girl. That is just not possible. Kathy's going to be a grandmother. So I'm getting out the baby bib cross-stitch book--luckily I have lots and lots of blank bibs waiting to be stitched. TTFN
At October 17, 2004 at 4:04 PM,
EZ Travel said…
Wow. I can't believe that Bailey is old enough to have a baby. I am barely old enough to have a baby.
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