It's Raining and I'm going to Hawaii
It never rains in California--it does now. I think this weekend is the first time it has rained since Melody got here at the end of January. Of course it was time to get my car washed, but we'll let the pollution filled clouds rinse first. It looks like it should be a cold day, but it was warmish this morning. I still wore a sweater and feel like I should be bundled up in vests and sweaters for fall. For once, it actually looks like Fall.
Steph called this weekend and said that she has some flying perks with Northwest, so hopefully she'll be coming for a visit at Christmas time. I had sent her a little housewarming present, but apparently she doesn't have a mailbox, so it'll probably come back and we should use her Mom's address.
Josh came back and fixed my bathroom completely--it's very nice to have a completely fixed bathroom. Ris is supposed to have a barbeque for her 18th birthday on Friday, so I hope the rain is all done by then. Adam got an F in geoscience and when I e-mailed the teacher to see what we could do to help him improve his grade, the teacher was indignant that any breathing person could fail such a simple, simple science class. Of course what is simple for this guy is the next guy's (Adam's) boring last class of the day. Up hill--that's where we're climbing.
Ken (the magician) Fedorka in my Kiwanis club passed away this weekend. His illness was kind of sudden, so we're all a little surprised. He had agreed to be president of our Kiwanis club in two years, so now I agreed to take his place, but that would make me president at the same time as the ABWA convention, so I said I needed to change with JP who's supposed to be president next year. JP said he'd love to switch, because the Kiwanis convention in 2006 is in Italy. I'm glad to switch because the convention next summer is in Hawaii--the club will pay my way. Pretty funny universe. (And Adam won't even get extra credit for recording how strange the universe really is.)
Steph called this weekend and said that she has some flying perks with Northwest, so hopefully she'll be coming for a visit at Christmas time. I had sent her a little housewarming present, but apparently she doesn't have a mailbox, so it'll probably come back and we should use her Mom's address.
Josh came back and fixed my bathroom completely--it's very nice to have a completely fixed bathroom. Ris is supposed to have a barbeque for her 18th birthday on Friday, so I hope the rain is all done by then. Adam got an F in geoscience and when I e-mailed the teacher to see what we could do to help him improve his grade, the teacher was indignant that any breathing person could fail such a simple, simple science class. Of course what is simple for this guy is the next guy's (Adam's) boring last class of the day. Up hill--that's where we're climbing.
Ken (the magician) Fedorka in my Kiwanis club passed away this weekend. His illness was kind of sudden, so we're all a little surprised. He had agreed to be president of our Kiwanis club in two years, so now I agreed to take his place, but that would make me president at the same time as the ABWA convention, so I said I needed to change with JP who's supposed to be president next year. JP said he'd love to switch, because the Kiwanis convention in 2006 is in Italy. I'm glad to switch because the convention next summer is in Hawaii--the club will pay my way. Pretty funny universe. (And Adam won't even get extra credit for recording how strange the universe really is.)
At October 18, 2004 at 5:15 PM,
EZ Travel said…
I am glad that your bathroom is fixed. What a nice perk these teenagers are.
I am also very jealous that you get to go to Hawaii.
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