I called a mold remediation place and said, I have mold, can you fix it?
Do you have a mold report they asked?
No, but I know I have mold, can you fix it?
You need a report or we don't know what to fix.
I can tell you, it's in the wall.
We need a report--call Expensive Company and get a report and then we'll tell you if we can fix it.
So I called Expensive Company and they said, we can give you a very limited (sign this four page contract so that we can enforce just how limited) report for $520.
I already know I have mold in that wall.
We have to do very expensive test.
Ok, ok, do your very expensive test--give me the minimum, let me sign the very long contract limiting your liability to zero. [I asked the guy if he had ever read the very long contract he made me sign, while he was looking annoyed as I actually started to read it and he said no.]
I just got a 25 page report. There's only about five sentences that have anything to do with my house and guess what--there's mold in the wall. Lots and lots of mold. But no mold in the air in the house, just in the wall. Yea! I successfully contained the mold in the wall and I'm all set.
NO, NO, NO says the very expensive company, you need to remove that wall and take out the mold.
Can't they just put some holes in the wall and zap the mold with radiation or something?
NO, NO, NO says the very expensive company, you have to remove the whole wall and get rid of the mold.
How do I know that's the only place with mold and that it is just one wall that needs to be removed?
You don't, we'll have to conduct some more very expensive tests.
Do you have a mold report they asked?
No, but I know I have mold, can you fix it?
You need a report or we don't know what to fix.
I can tell you, it's in the wall.
We need a report--call Expensive Company and get a report and then we'll tell you if we can fix it.
So I called Expensive Company and they said, we can give you a very limited (sign this four page contract so that we can enforce just how limited) report for $520.
I already know I have mold in that wall.
We have to do very expensive test.
Ok, ok, do your very expensive test--give me the minimum, let me sign the very long contract limiting your liability to zero. [I asked the guy if he had ever read the very long contract he made me sign, while he was looking annoyed as I actually started to read it and he said no.]
I just got a 25 page report. There's only about five sentences that have anything to do with my house and guess what--there's mold in the wall. Lots and lots of mold. But no mold in the air in the house, just in the wall. Yea! I successfully contained the mold in the wall and I'm all set.
NO, NO, NO says the very expensive company, you need to remove that wall and take out the mold.
Can't they just put some holes in the wall and zap the mold with radiation or something?
NO, NO, NO says the very expensive company, you have to remove the whole wall and get rid of the mold.
How do I know that's the only place with mold and that it is just one wall that needs to be removed?
You don't, we'll have to conduct some more very expensive tests.
At April 14, 2006 at 4:04 PM,
Adrienne said…
We think this may have something to do with Adam getting so sick, since no one else caught anything from him.
At April 17, 2006 at 7:04 PM,
Tim B. said…
Rent a husband.
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