Lady Plumber
After Marisa reminded me, I finally remembered to call the plumber to come out and fix the kitchen sink. They said the plumber was in the field and that they'd call me. A gal from the office called and was asking me all kinds of questions about the problem that I couldn't answer, so I said the plumber would just have to see when he got there and she said, I am the plumber. Hallalua, hallalua, hallalua, halaalua. I was just so happy that it was a lady plumber. She snaked the sink, she crawled under the house and she saved me money by telling me what I needed to buy, instead of paying a premium to send her out to buy it. I did feel badly when she got spider webs in her hair and I just don't know if I would have cared if a guy did, but I'd like to think that I would.
At October 27, 2004 at 10:53 AM,
paulette said…
It would be just too perfect if her name was Josephine.
At October 27, 2004 at 1:42 PM,
KathrynVH said…
No. Beth. Adrienne says the sinks not fixed-darn.
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