Procrastination (But I Digress)

Monday, August 02, 2004

Buried Treasure

The girls cleaned and moved around furniture in their room this weekend because they needed more room. I had about three boxes in the top cupboard of their closet, so I offered to find a different place for them. Ris has mentioned needing the space for a few years, so this was a great opportunity. Now she says, no we have plenty of room, you can leave the boxes there. No, I say, give me the boxes. There's room she says. No I say, give me the boxes. OK. There were about 10 boxes. 10 boxes that I haven't opened since we lived in the apartment. I think there are a few boxes that I haven't opened since I lived in West LA. I found a box of negatives and I apoligize mightily to anyone whom I disparaged for delibrately throwing away my negatives. I found a big box of pictures that I can't wait to explore. I found all my old grades from high school (I got a D in a class my senior year). I found my high school yearbook, but Gretchen and Karl are not in it--very strange. I found old record albums that I saved from the Adrienne scourge and had dispaired lost. I started to make a pile for trash as I culled through the boxes and Adrienne offered very nicely to take out the trash, but I'm not ready yet.


  • At August 2, 2004 at 1:05 PM, Blogger EZ Travel said…

    Very cool. I understand that it is one thing to "say" I am going to throw this away and another thing to actually take out the trash. That is why I don't tell my computer to empty my trash on exiting. I wait until I run out of room and the throw it all away without looking.


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