Procrastination (But I Digress)

Saturday, July 10, 2010


The other day I got an e-mail from Borders. I get lots of e-mails from Borders (and Sears too--how did that happen?). I know why I get e-mails from Borders (even though I have tried to turn them off)--I get these e-mails, because one time I was at an airport, feeling so grateful to borders books for giving me something wonderful to read (ok, I bought it and paid too much, but you know what I mean) that I wanted to do something that they would like--I filled out an application to be a "member" and I probably even paid a fee to be one.

Anyway, before this I only actually opened a borders e-mail, one time a long time ago when the subject line was Nora Roberts. I'm very fond of Nora Roberts--no, fond is not strong enough. I don't want to say that I love her, because that's like loving a sunset--sure, you love it an all, but its over so soon. Where was I? Oh yes, Nora was in the subject line, so I opened it and I read that they were giving me a 50% off discount on the new Nora Roberts book. Me I don't take nothing that says its free for face value. If it looks too good to be true, it usually is. So I read the fine print. It was a lot of stuff--limited in time, have to buy something else, I can't remember what all else, but it convinced me to close the e-mail and vow never to open them again.

However, did I teach them a lesson?--no I did not. Borders is right across the street--closer than Target (and the library, darn). So I did still shop at Borders and yes, they give an additional discount to "members" so I dug the little card they gave me out of the dresser and started carrying it in my purse. [I have a card thing for my check book and a card case, so I have more room, but I digress.]

So earlier this week I get an e-mail from Borders with Nora in the subject line. Excitement leaped into the four corners of my brain. Nora has a new book out. It's not even Christmas. If it is being touted by Borders, then it is the new hardback. [We are in the middle of a three book series in medium size softback and I have every faith that Ralphs is trying to get the last book in that series just as fast as the airport--hey I'm going to be at the airport on Monday, but that may be too soon after this new hardback--oh well--yes, yes, I'm digressing.]

I opened the e-mail. 50% off for one week. No other restrictions. Humm. It does sound too good to be true, but Nora is incredibly overworked. I can't have very high expectations for this one. She just put out the lated J.D. Robb about three or four months ago (very good, but not great) and we do have that trilogy going (also somewhat good--a six out of ten maybe or a five--I tend to overrate Nora, because, well--she's Nora), so a new hardback--I really can't expect much. I mean I know she tries harder for a hard back, but still. That must be the catch. They figure they better sell a lot the first week before the word gets out that its not one of her better books. [Like I care--suckers.]

So I walk lesurely over to Borders. I do not leave work early. I leave right on time. Maybe I'll go to the library as long as I'm out. The new Nora is displayed right as you walk in the door. 40% off and then in smaller print 30% off if you are not a member. I pick up the book. I'm stealing from them. Poor Borders. I'm not buying anything else. Except that they had a cooler with diet cokes. That will make up for it. I'll buy a diet coke at an outrageous mark up (but it's actually cheaper than my market downstairs from the office--Anna's no fool, she knows she's got a monopoly on our business, but I digress).

I hand in my 50% off coupon and the cashier says jokingly--"you're stealing from us." And I say, "yeah and it's Nora." I don't think he got it. For Nora, I'd pay twice as much as the list price. Well, maybe not twice.

So I tried to hold out and not read it right away. I lasted three days. It's done now and I enjoyed it. She still has a few surprises. There was some good research that went into this one. Her best?--no, but I'd have to give it a solid 8 and that's pretty damn good for someone who's written over 190 books.


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