Procrastination (But I Digress)

Monday, September 17, 2007

I Am a Good Listener

I could listen to myself all day. That's a joke that I found in my Toastmaster magazine. So apropos, I needed to share. The little dictionary that I keep next to my computer says that "apropos" is from the French, but doesn't it sound like it should be Latin? How come people in Latin America speak Spanish, but I digress. I got a new Law vocabulary text book that was hidden in a closet in the career center. On the inside front and back cover are latin terms used in Law. I had no idea that I knew so much Latin and I can pronounce them all too. I was quite impressed with myself. I went so far as to muse that I could probably even use these terms in poetry since I was so familiar with their connotations, but maybe not. Real poetry is a lot of work. Sometimes I sit down and read Emily Dickenson. I can't believe that she lived so long ago--her stuff seems so apropos.

My doctor told me that I am going to start menopause early, like right away. [Why is the word "men" in menopause--it's pronouced "met", so why isn't it metopause--what kind of a crazy mixed up problem are doctors trying to create here.] So I'm trying to prepare for mood swings and irrational behavior--I hate being irrational. But how will I be able to tell I'm being irrational, if I am the subject. Can a subject judge herself? Then I remembered that I just have to question, is it me or is it the hormones--I have a much better sense of humor than my hormones, so I'm sure I'll be able to tell. By the way, all you well meaning people who wish to help me discern--do it and die. No court would hold me accountable for such a mercy killing--you being too stupid to live and all. [Maybe my hormones are a little funny too, oye.]


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