Summer Reading
For months I have had nothing to read. I toyed with the idea of going to the library, but often the library is just like going shopping for clothes--they never have anything I want. I check out the books at every grocery store I go to (talk about convenient), but for months--nothing. I have a book store very close to work and I've been there a few times with absolutely no success. There's a Barnes and Noble and the last three times I've been there, maybe I get a cross stitch magazine, but a good book, not in a long time. I'm thinking about taking a trip, but I can't plan anything, because I have nothing to read.
Now I realize that my concept of something to read is exceedingly narrow and that there are millions of books to read and that I would probably really love a large subsection of the millions out there, but, well, I've had nothing to read for months.
A couple of days ago, I found a Kingsolver that I hadn't read--I love her books. I can't believe my luck at finding one that I haven't read (at all, much less three times). I've picked it up twice and pretty soon I'm falling asleep. It's not that it isn't good, but my eyes get droopy just thinking about picking it up again. I forgot to bring it to work today--a very bad sign.
Yesterday I went into the book store again and they had absolutely nothing, so I was actually going to buy Pride and Prejudice again, even though I have like five copies already--just to have something to read! Then I found Jane Green. The stories sound familiar, but I really don't remember reading them. She had about seven books. At first I just picked them all up, but I'm very picky, so I decided to just start with three and come back for more if I like them. Then I found a brand new Nora Roberts--how did I not know that Nora had a new book out! Then there was a new Danielle Steele, trite, but better than nothing. Jennifer Cruise wrote a book with some guy--oh well, I have nothing to read, I'll take it. So now that's six plus the Kingsolver--I have lots to read. But I forgot to bring a book to work. If only there was a library in walking distance so that I could go take out Pride and Prejudice--wait a minute, there is a library in walking distance. But will Pride and Prejudice put me to sleep--it doesn't get really good until near the end (well maybe the middle, but once it gets really good I can't put it down and that's near the end in my case.)
I have nothing to read.
Now I realize that my concept of something to read is exceedingly narrow and that there are millions of books to read and that I would probably really love a large subsection of the millions out there, but, well, I've had nothing to read for months.
A couple of days ago, I found a Kingsolver that I hadn't read--I love her books. I can't believe my luck at finding one that I haven't read (at all, much less three times). I've picked it up twice and pretty soon I'm falling asleep. It's not that it isn't good, but my eyes get droopy just thinking about picking it up again. I forgot to bring it to work today--a very bad sign.
Yesterday I went into the book store again and they had absolutely nothing, so I was actually going to buy Pride and Prejudice again, even though I have like five copies already--just to have something to read! Then I found Jane Green. The stories sound familiar, but I really don't remember reading them. She had about seven books. At first I just picked them all up, but I'm very picky, so I decided to just start with three and come back for more if I like them. Then I found a brand new Nora Roberts--how did I not know that Nora had a new book out! Then there was a new Danielle Steele, trite, but better than nothing. Jennifer Cruise wrote a book with some guy--oh well, I have nothing to read, I'll take it. So now that's six plus the Kingsolver--I have lots to read. But I forgot to bring a book to work. If only there was a library in walking distance so that I could go take out Pride and Prejudice--wait a minute, there is a library in walking distance. But will Pride and Prejudice put me to sleep--it doesn't get really good until near the end (well maybe the middle, but once it gets really good I can't put it down and that's near the end in my case.)
I have nothing to read.
At July 12, 2007 at 6:27 PM,
Adrienne said…
Just before my cruise I bought the "Reagan Diaries". It is a fascinating read, but HUGE and HEAVY to carry around the boat and to hold on the plane. Ergo it didn't get read much. And when I got home I had 7 books waiting for me from my group. So now I have gone from nothing to read to way too much to read.
At July 13, 2007 at 5:57 AM,
paulette said…
Gretchen keeps my house supplied with reading material from libraries in various corners of the state. There is always plenty to read around here. Some of them turn out to be very, very good. Some of them I put down after the requisite "read as many pages as your age" test.
At July 14, 2007 at 9:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
All those authors mean nothing to me, I have never read one of them. Non-fiction is my bag and some of the best reading I have found are college text books. They now have color in them and are usually written in easy English. Sample a recent Biology, Geology or Anthropology book found at any University bookstore.
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