Do I Live Close Enough to LA
When I was a kid, I was terrified of tornados. One babysitter told me that there could only be a tornado if it was raining. That helped when it wasn't raining, but was useless in the middle of the night when it was very windy and raining.
As an adult, I am not afraid of too much. I'm not afraid of earthquakes. I was in Florida for the tropical storm this summer and I wasn't too fearful of that, which was threatening to be a hurricane. I have absolutely no fear that someone is going to pull a gun on me or attack me. I get a yearly check up at the doctor, but I don't really "fear" desease. But for some unknown reason, I am terrified of a nuclear bomb. I went to bed Sunday night convinced that it was my last night in my nice comfy bed. I tried to memorize the softness of the blanket and pillows. When I woke up in the morning, I didn't go to the gym--I stayed in bed longer just in case it was my last time. Through the day when the nuclear attack did not happen, I calmed down inside enough to say no when I wanted chocolate. Well actually I said yes, of course you can have chocolate--we're all going to die a painful terrible death, but I settled for a cookie and didn't go and buy the little store out of chocolate bars, so I figure I must be calming down. Last night I just thought about being greatful for my comfy bed without trying to memorize how perfect my two pillows are for my head (well maybe I tried to memorize a little).
I'm not afraid of death I don't think--I'm afraid of not dying in a nuclear blast. Is 10 miles too far away from downtown for the bomb to kill me. I watched that Jerico show, but I haven't paid enough attention to see if they give the distance and that's tv, so I'm not sure I should be taking my scientific analysis from fiction. I'm hoping that the bomb goes about 20--that would totally get me. But then, that's kind of mean to the people who don't want to die. I wonder if I should move downtown, but then I might start worring about that getting mugged thing that I don't worry about in Glendale.
As an adult, I am not afraid of too much. I'm not afraid of earthquakes. I was in Florida for the tropical storm this summer and I wasn't too fearful of that, which was threatening to be a hurricane. I have absolutely no fear that someone is going to pull a gun on me or attack me. I get a yearly check up at the doctor, but I don't really "fear" desease. But for some unknown reason, I am terrified of a nuclear bomb. I went to bed Sunday night convinced that it was my last night in my nice comfy bed. I tried to memorize the softness of the blanket and pillows. When I woke up in the morning, I didn't go to the gym--I stayed in bed longer just in case it was my last time. Through the day when the nuclear attack did not happen, I calmed down inside enough to say no when I wanted chocolate. Well actually I said yes, of course you can have chocolate--we're all going to die a painful terrible death, but I settled for a cookie and didn't go and buy the little store out of chocolate bars, so I figure I must be calming down. Last night I just thought about being greatful for my comfy bed without trying to memorize how perfect my two pillows are for my head (well maybe I tried to memorize a little).
I'm not afraid of death I don't think--I'm afraid of not dying in a nuclear blast. Is 10 miles too far away from downtown for the bomb to kill me. I watched that Jerico show, but I haven't paid enough attention to see if they give the distance and that's tv, so I'm not sure I should be taking my scientific analysis from fiction. I'm hoping that the bomb goes about 20--that would totally get me. But then, that's kind of mean to the people who don't want to die. I wonder if I should move downtown, but then I might start worring about that getting mugged thing that I don't worry about in Glendale.
At October 10, 2006 at 4:10 PM,
EZ Travel said…
I sorry, but your fear of not dying a horrible death cracked me up. I feel the same way, surviving would be worse than dying. I definitely live too far from Chicago.
But I remember thinking after 9/11 that if they were really smart they would hit some small, nothing town (like South Bend) and that would really scare the rest of the country.
At October 10, 2006 at 8:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
There is this movie, (I of course cannot think of the name, because I am on the spot.) and in the movie a group of Russians decided to set off a biological bomb, so they used a car dealership (I think it was Dodge.) that had a garage connected to it, because betweent all the cars and tools from the grage they had everything in it that they needed to build a bomb. They set off a blasting bomb inside the dealership that was concealed under a huge pile of paperwork (Ironic huh Aunt Gretchen?) And, redid the muffler system inside a SUV type car and drove it around and through little cities wearing gas mask. The bomb that was set off killed everyone in the building and on the property as well as the two sad neighborhoods behind the dealer. As for the guys driving the SUV their victims lived long enough to give them strange looks because of teh smell and the gas masks they were wearing inside of the car. They were getting pulled over when the cop died after inhaling their fumes for the chase. The Russians went back to Russia to report the Americans were no longer a threat to their Space Station. Moral of the story, if you want to die quickly, move near a car dealership. Bonus death points if it a used car dealership and the salesman is smoking a pipe wearing a plaid shirt and checkered pants.
At October 10, 2006 at 8:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
There is this movie, (I of course cannot think of the name, because I am on the spot.) and in the movie a group of Russians decided to set off a biological bomb, so they used a car dealership (I think it was Dodge.) that had a garage connected to it, because betweent all the cars and tools from the grage they had everything in it that they needed to build a bomb. They set off a blasting bomb inside the dealership that was concealed under a huge pile of paperwork (Ironic huh Aunt Gretchen?) And, redid the muffler system inside a SUV type car and drove it around and through little cities wearing gas mask. The bomb that was set off killed everyone in the building and on the property as well as the two sad neighborhoods behind the dealer. As for the guys driving the SUV their victims lived long enough to give them strange looks because of teh smell and the gas masks they were wearing inside of the car. They were getting pulled over when the cop died after inhaling their fumes for the chase. The Russians went back to Rusooking. His missing leg acts on its own accord, and often scratches his ear when it itches. It sounds funny, but to see him use a phantom limb to scratch an itch is much funnier then hearing about it. You have to see it to believe it.
Over the last few months he's developed a taste for the outdoors. My other cat, Cloud, asks to go out, we let her ou
At October 11, 2006 at 1:23 PM,
Monica said…
I agree with you Kathy, I'd like to be among the first to go in a nuclear blast because this world would be a very horrendous place to live after that first bomb.
At October 11, 2006 at 5:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
I asked Tyler and he thinks the name of the movie is Russian Bomb. Tyler is my movie guru. He is the one that got me the job at Blcokbuster where we got stuck watching DEJ (Blockbuster's movie production company) films so we could recommend them to customers even if they sucked which they did.
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