Procrastination (But I Digress)

Friday, January 13, 2006

It's cookie time (almost)

I have been Glendale's girl scout cookie chair for several years and I have it down to a science--I could do this in my sleep. Unfortunately I did fall asleep on the job. I have two long time cookie chairs who refuse to go to the training. I'm not worried about them, they could do this job in their sleep, but one is now the leader manager who (with my permission when I was apparently asleep) told all the other leaders that if they've ever done cookies before, they don't have to go to the training. This stuff changes every year. Now granted, I don't know what the changes are until I actually train the other leaders (because I've slept through the cookie chair training that I try to blow off every year), but at least I see it when I train the other leaders. More than half the leaders blew off the training and when I trained the new leaders there was a lot of new stuff. I am in deep trouble. It looks like nine troops have not picked up their materials, so I'll need to track them down and the official sales date is only a week away. Life in the cookie lane.

Adrienne is off to Michigan for her big vacation. Caitlyn is going to miss her like crazy, but she's pretty young--I'm thinking she'll get over it. Adrienne however is not so young...

I'm reading Tim's blog and getting inspired to clean up our garage. There has to be something a college graduate can do to solve a major leak in the roof or at least contain the problem or at least take the cupboards off the wall before they fall on my car. Wish me luck.


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