soduko crazy for Harry Potter (before and after)
I haven't read a book or played spider solitare since I picked up my first soduko puzzle. I love those things. I had some old tv guides and I've done all the puzzles in them. I was mad at myself for paying $10 for the puzzle book I bought, but now it is so worth every penny. I hope that I don't come to the end and not be able to find more (like reading every book by my favorite author and then there's no more).
In other news, there is no snow here. We have beautiful, 80 degree weather, sunny skies. Unfortunately I have to work, but still if I was able to go outside, it would be lovely.
Adrienne got me out to the midnight opening of Harry Potter on Thursday. I was so tired at midnight and I was afraid I won't be able to stay awake. I'm no spring chicken anymore. But Harry Potter was soo fantastic, I didn't feel tired at all during the movie. It was really good. In the book, I had skimmed over one scene because I was squimish, so I didn't really understand how it had come off--now I know. In the first book, I didn't really understand quidish and the first movie made it so exciting. This movie was the same way--whatever I did not have the full imagination to appreciate, the movie filled in wonderfully. There was one part where Harry walks into a very sad looking little tent that he is told 10 people are going to stay in and he walks into an oppulant huge setting with so much space and comfort. He says "I love magic" with so much relish and awe. Me too, I was cheering in my head. Thank you J.K. Rowlings!
In other news, there is no snow here. We have beautiful, 80 degree weather, sunny skies. Unfortunately I have to work, but still if I was able to go outside, it would be lovely.
Adrienne got me out to the midnight opening of Harry Potter on Thursday. I was so tired at midnight and I was afraid I won't be able to stay awake. I'm no spring chicken anymore. But Harry Potter was soo fantastic, I didn't feel tired at all during the movie. It was really good. In the book, I had skimmed over one scene because I was squimish, so I didn't really understand how it had come off--now I know. In the first book, I didn't really understand quidish and the first movie made it so exciting. This movie was the same way--whatever I did not have the full imagination to appreciate, the movie filled in wonderfully. There was one part where Harry walks into a very sad looking little tent that he is told 10 people are going to stay in and he walks into an oppulant huge setting with so much space and comfort. He says "I love magic" with so much relish and awe. Me too, I was cheering in my head. Thank you J.K. Rowlings!
At November 21, 2005 at 11:26 AM,
Melody Beth said…
everyone is talking about this game and i have no idea what it is?
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