Is she her sister's mother or her daughter's sister? It's a matter of perspective. So do I invite incompetence and lies or am I more sensitive to the normal amount of incompetence and miscalculations. Last month I dinged my car (ok, smashed it into a pole--the pole came out of nowhere). I procrastinated a good deal about getting it fixed, because I knew they would keep it for a whole week and I really didn't want to give up my car for a week. My insurance company, being there for me all the way, kept calling to see if I was satisfied with my repairs and I had to admit day after day that I had not yet taken the car into to be fixed. Finally, I ran out of excuses and took my car to the body shop. The fellow, who over the phone said he couldn't make any promises without seeing the car, but it shouldn't take more than a week, in person said it might take a week and a half. I called at the end of the first week and they said three more days. Technically that's more than a week and a half, but end of business on Wednesday is close enough to the middle of the week that I was still hopeful. It's Friday now. No car. The lying scumbag just told me that maybe it would be done today, but probably early next week. "Early next week" is code for you are never getting your car back again you stupid "@@@" who hit a pole. It came out of nowhere.
At December 4, 2007 at 3:05 PM,
KathrynVH said…
It was done today (Friday). I am so happy to have my car back. Now it needs new brakes, transmission, an oil change....
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