Procrastination (But I Digress)

Saturday, November 24, 2007


I didn't see Caitlyn for a week or so and then I saw her two days in one week. The first time, she was talking a mile a minute. I couldn't understand a word of it, but that didn't stop her from filling me in on all the latest. That's what it seemed like--she hadn't seen me in a while and she was filling me in.

Actually, she has an amazing vocabulary for a two year old. She says Adam and Papa (for her Grandpa Taj). She says binky for her pacifier (which I think Marisa has completely gotten her off). She can name the features on her doll's face: nose, eyes, mouth (althought it throws her off a little when the doll in question does not have a nose or mouth). When she wants to go somewhere she says very clearly "come on" and she leans in the direction she wants to go holding out her hand to you to follow her. When she wants something and her mother says, "What do you say?" She says the most adorable "please" and "thank you" you've ever heard in your life. Sometimes out of the blue with no prompting she also says "thank you" so cute, right on cue. That kid's something else.

She loves puppies and babies, but she doesn't just say those words. "Puppy" and "baby" are afforded an excited emphasis that shows her absolute delight with puppies and babies. She has a book of each and of course we have a dog, who she is absolutely delighted to see and hug and her dolls are her babies. Her favorite game this week has been to put her babies to sleep ("night, night"). She carefully puts the dolls in the basket and covers them with a blanket (small kitchen towel) and turns to say "shhhh" to me--"babies, night, night" Then she wakes them up to put them in bed over and over again. If I interrupt her, I get "shhh"d.

She also says mommy. When she wants Marisa or is in the same room as Marisa, she does mean Marisa and as a matter of fact her favorite phrase around Marisa is "mommy, no" -- she doesn't want to get dressed, or changer her diaper, or put down the cell phone, or the remote or whatever else Mother's want their children to do. However, she also says "mommy" to refer to any adult assigned to attend to her wishes and desires (i.e., me). It is usually a shout "mommy!!" meaning come here and give me what I want right now. I've tried to say, "mommy's out front, I'm aunt Kathy," but she persists saying "mommy" when she wants something from me.

She'll be talking in complete sentences soon, because she's very determined to get what she wants and it makes her crazy when you don't know what she wants. She's very good at pointing and dragging you there, but she's not so good at remembering what it was she wanted by the time she's dragged you there. She's easily distracted, but amazingly determined. If she doesn't want to go somewhere, she is quite adept at going lifeless and becoming ten times heavier than her actual weight--now that's a gift. Her decibel level is off the charts when she screams and her mischievous smile rivals Melody's when she was four.

She's just turned two--we're actually in day two of the terrible two's--I can't wait to see what we have in store today.


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