Adrienne must be bored by now with Mom doing so well and all, so I'll give her something to gloat about. I don't want to throw anything away. I filled up two garbage cans (really that's all we have left) at Mary's yesterday, but if I'd had a third I would have been hard pressed to come up with anything else to throw away. There are four closets full of stuff--mostly files and pictures. The files are probably meaningless, but until that time passes for an irs audit, I just can't seem to part with them. I don't know who 99% of the people in the pictures are, but still I find it impossible to throw a picture of Mary, Bea or Urs away. I don't have room for all the pictures of people I do know, where am I going to put all the pictures of people I don't. Gretchen put all the family pictures on a disc and that's great. But I still don't want to throw away a picture. Adrienne is now planning to wait til I'm sleeping and throw them all away for me--how great she'll believe she's being. NOT. If I can't throw them away, I certainly don't want someone else to.
I've turned an extra bedroom into a storage room. As I'm filling it up, I'm trying to leave the bed empty, just in case someone wants to spend the night. I'm reminded of staying the night at Joselyns--her house was completely full of stuff. There was a tiny path to the bed in the room I stayed in and although the bed itself was empty--it was elevated and there was so much stuff under it and on a shelf above it. It was a good think I'm not clostrophobic. So it's not as bad as that, but I can see it going in that direction. What I'd really like is Monica's closet--from Friends--she had a closet that Chandler was not allowed to look in, because she put all her mess there. We had the basement as kids. Whenever we didn't know where to put something when we were cleaning the house, we put it in the basement--on the ping pong table. I loved being able to put mess out of sight.
As full of stuff as Mary's house was, I think that Urs had it pretty organized. As I think about organinzing my stuff, I think about Urs. Did she feel better having everything organized? Bea still went out and bought anything she wanted without looking to see if they already had it. I miss them. The house is in escrow and it will only be a few more weeks til it's gone. The pitiful little bit of stuff at my house that I'm storing is such a small reminder. I'm keeping all of those pictures.
I've turned an extra bedroom into a storage room. As I'm filling it up, I'm trying to leave the bed empty, just in case someone wants to spend the night. I'm reminded of staying the night at Joselyns--her house was completely full of stuff. There was a tiny path to the bed in the room I stayed in and although the bed itself was empty--it was elevated and there was so much stuff under it and on a shelf above it. It was a good think I'm not clostrophobic. So it's not as bad as that, but I can see it going in that direction. What I'd really like is Monica's closet--from Friends--she had a closet that Chandler was not allowed to look in, because she put all her mess there. We had the basement as kids. Whenever we didn't know where to put something when we were cleaning the house, we put it in the basement--on the ping pong table. I loved being able to put mess out of sight.
As full of stuff as Mary's house was, I think that Urs had it pretty organized. As I think about organinzing my stuff, I think about Urs. Did she feel better having everything organized? Bea still went out and bought anything she wanted without looking to see if they already had it. I miss them. The house is in escrow and it will only be a few more weeks til it's gone. The pitiful little bit of stuff at my house that I'm storing is such a small reminder. I'm keeping all of those pictures.
At November 10, 2007 at 4:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Staying at Joselyn's was a pleasing experience for me, their conpany made up for the inconvience of that bedroom. It was very tight in that room and there were many things stored in there. Fortunately, I traveled with a very small kit and needed minimal space.
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