Poetry on a budget
I awoke this morning to lyrics from a Brazilian singer who was interviewed on NPR. 'I search for science in vague places, hundreds of muscles make my face smile in response to a breeze over a distant sea' or something to that effect. The commentator said that was very complex compared to her other songs, but the singer said, no, it's very simple really. It spoke to me. I'm very casual about science--I know some and amuse myself with thinking about systems, but I'm just as easily distracted by a breeze. Very poetic. I should read more poetry.
Today my class met at my office, except there was no cell phone reception and the kids couldn't get a hold of me to let them in (my office is locked on the weekends). There was no phone service at all. Of course, we didn't have a back up plan--we just take phones for granted. But eventually they got in, only to ask if they were going to leave ten minutes early because they didn't get a break. NOT. I'm such a mean teacher.
My plate is once again full to overbrimming--I have the sees candy order for ABWA, the audit for ABWA, I need to arrange the Social, the Fashion Show reservations, Kiwanis major fundraisor reservations, PTSA, tour--I ordered the tickets, but I need to make up the flyer and brochure, Elections are Tuesday and my car is full of that stuff that I still need to check the big box in the hallway and then next week is the wrap up for the convention and I have those two huge baskets to get rid of and yesterday I got three cases of girl scout cookies--Yes, it's almost Girls Scout Cookie time. Marisa said that now that Caitlyn is older (a whole one year old now), that (yea!) she will help me with Girl Scout Cookies. I have three rushes, two appeals and a trial in less than two weeks. So much for time to read poetry.
Today my class met at my office, except there was no cell phone reception and the kids couldn't get a hold of me to let them in (my office is locked on the weekends). There was no phone service at all. Of course, we didn't have a back up plan--we just take phones for granted. But eventually they got in, only to ask if they were going to leave ten minutes early because they didn't get a break. NOT. I'm such a mean teacher.
My plate is once again full to overbrimming--I have the sees candy order for ABWA, the audit for ABWA, I need to arrange the Social, the Fashion Show reservations, Kiwanis major fundraisor reservations, PTSA, tour--I ordered the tickets, but I need to make up the flyer and brochure, Elections are Tuesday and my car is full of that stuff that I still need to check the big box in the hallway and then next week is the wrap up for the convention and I have those two huge baskets to get rid of and yesterday I got three cases of girl scout cookies--Yes, it's almost Girls Scout Cookie time. Marisa said that now that Caitlyn is older (a whole one year old now), that (yea!) she will help me with Girl Scout Cookies. I have three rushes, two appeals and a trial in less than two weeks. So much for time to read poetry.
At November 4, 2006 at 3:05 PM,
paulette said…
Wow, I heard that Brazilian singer's interview too. I heard a piece of it just as I got to Kroger and then when I got out Click and Clack were on. I love them.
At November 4, 2006 at 4:59 PM,
Sean M. said…
Did you say...GIRL SCOUT COOKIES??? I can't wait! Send me some!
At November 7, 2006 at 8:44 AM,
EZ Travel said…
I am going to order mine from Megan since she probably gets a prize if she sells the most. You don't get a prize you just get more out of your house.
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