It's Been A While
KCET was having a pledge drive and usually I turn the radio off during the pledge drives, but for some reason the energy that I have to turn off the radio whenever Bush* speaks, or the energy I have to turn off the radio when there is too much bad news about the war, or the energy I have to turn off the radio when that Praire Home Companion guy comes on, escaped me and I listened for almost an hour. I really wanted to call in and pledge too. I do like KCET--I am a regular listener--I do want to continue to receive the benefits of membership. So I tried to memorize the phone number (since I was in my car and not at my computer). I couldn't do it. It's a wonder I had the energy to drive if I couldn't memorize a simple 10 digit number. So then I made a plan--I would figure out how much I could afford to give and then I would pledge on-line the next day. If I pledged $15 per month, I would go into a drawing for a prias (sp). So I tried to work out what 15 x 12 came out too. I was having a hard time with simple arithmatic. So I resigned myself to agree that I was not giving $180, so I would not be in the drawing for the prias. I should buy a prias, I thought--global warming is my fault too. If I buy a prias, I really can't affort to give to KCET. I think I need to concentrate on chanelling my energy to change the station next time.
At November 3, 2006 at 10:26 AM,
Sean M. said…
I have been tempted to donate to public TV/radio on several occasions, but I too realized what kind of committment that was. Maybe when I have tons o' money I can donate a lot!
How can you not like "A Prairie Home Companion"???
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