If you are dedicated to your craft, and I am, then you put 110% into everything you do. You go the extra mile, you read the extra treatise, you research that arcane case, you have every book ever written on the subject opened on your desk making you look extremely dedicated and industrious. Or purhaps this is the picture of procrastination. For whatever reason, which I like to call being a perfectionist, I just can't get writing the opposition brief which is due today. I have eight books all open on my desk and I've read every ounce of information available on the subject and it's all there. But I can't seem to write it down. I thought I might need chocolate, but that didn't help at all. Maybe I need chips. No. I need inspiration. This is the most ridiculous thing I've come across in my 15 years doing this law biz, but I always say that and stuff just keeps getting more bizzaro. My usual solution to this problem is to just go ahead and write something awful and hope that it's really ok afterall and I was just being too hard on myself. Barbecue chips, yes that could work.
At March 8, 2006 at 11:34 AM,
EZ Travel said…
Your first draft is suppose to be awful. Just write something. No the bbq chips won't work.
p.s. did you find a new bathing suit yet skinny?
At March 8, 2006 at 12:03 PM,
Tim B. said…
I call it "analysis paralysis."
Write something clumsy, just to get started, then refine with all the wisdom you have at hand.
Many year ago my psycho ex took a drawing class to get over a phobia instilled by a kindergarten or grade school art teacher. This "new" teacher told everyone that STARTING the drawing is always the hardest part because you have this nice clean paper that you don't want to "mess up."
So, the teacher told everyone to get out a fresh piece of paper. They did. Then she went around to each student and made a big nasty mark on the paper. Once the paper was already messed up, it was easy to start drawing on it.
Supposedly it worked...I wasn't there and only got the info second hand..and from a psycho.
At March 8, 2006 at 2:40 PM,
KathrynVH said…
I did finally write and write and write and it was very good in the end. No bbq chips required. Just writing away was indeed the prescription for success, it just took a long time to get started. That pesky deadline didn't hurt.
no bathing suit, the scale is going in the wrong direction so we want it to stop before we spend money.
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