No Sleep for Me with diet and exercise
During tennis last week I woke up every morning at 4:00 a.m. when my tape on the tv turned on to tape tennis. I am a very light sleeper. When I didn't have the tape set up, it was the fan. It's been really hot for a few weeks so I leave the fan on, but it's hard to fall asleep with it on and it's even harder to stay asleep. This week, no tennis and for a few nights no fan, so I should be sleeping better, right? No. The news seems to have more burgleries lately, so I am certian that my house is next. The windows are open (because it is still rather hot), so I can hear all the night noises with no fan to drown them out.
Last night Adam was telling me about a midnight showing that he is going to and then he says, he won't bother going to bed afterwards, because he'll need to get up a few hours later to go to school. I remember being able to stay awake all night. I didn't do it often, but there were times. Man, I am so old. The very idea is repugnant.
Since I'm often woken from a dream sleep, I sometimes remember elaborate dreams. I try to remember details and tell myself I'm going to write a novel from all the great stuff in my imagination. I know you are supposed to write down your dreams when you first wake up to get them down, but I don't want to get up to write them in the middle of the night, because I'm trying to go back to sleep. Everytime, I promise myself that I'll remember them and every time I don't. You'd think I'd learn.
Everything I read about good health stresses getting enough "proper" sleep. I can stay in bed all day long, but deep sleep pretty much elludes me. So I am doomed to being awake in the middle of the night scheeming about how to sound proof my room and what to write my novel about.
Uncle Marcel's blog about the good life discertation on food makes me feel better about my limited food buffet--same breakfast every morning, pretty much the same lunch every day and a choice of about three things well within my calorie zone for dinner. Now if I could just stay away from all those potato chips and chocolate chip cookies trying to seduce me, I'd be home free.
Have you seen the new weight lose product made from 15 herbs and spices. It's a little pill. There was a write up in the tv guide (3 pages) in which a women described how she's tried every diet and nothing works, but with this little pill each morning on an empty stomach, she was able to lose 7 to 10 pounds per week. It saved her marriage. Right, I'm thinking--that guy needs to be history, but I digress. What's the catch? I'm looking and looking through the entire three pages, reading all the small print. The way it works is to prevent fats from attaching to cells, so they go right through you. When something sounds to good to be true, it is, so I'm looking for the catch. It's not in that article, but I had seen another product that promised fat wouldn't stay in your body, so I went back to that little booklet. That one was called alli. So I go to the material where they talk about their little pill. Buried in the middle is a warning to wear dark clothing and purhaps start taking the product on days when you can stay at home since you won't be able to control your bowel movements or even feel them taking the product. Talk about a catch.
Oh well, exercise is suppose to release endorphines and that's a good thing. I've been going to curves for years now and I'm not feeling the endorphines--I don't think I'm doing it right. So my new thing is if I don't sweat, it doesn't count. My pulse was 128 all last week and it was 133 this morning, so that's progress (I think). Isn't exercise supposed to help you sleep better? One can hope.
Last night Adam was telling me about a midnight showing that he is going to and then he says, he won't bother going to bed afterwards, because he'll need to get up a few hours later to go to school. I remember being able to stay awake all night. I didn't do it often, but there were times. Man, I am so old. The very idea is repugnant.
Since I'm often woken from a dream sleep, I sometimes remember elaborate dreams. I try to remember details and tell myself I'm going to write a novel from all the great stuff in my imagination. I know you are supposed to write down your dreams when you first wake up to get them down, but I don't want to get up to write them in the middle of the night, because I'm trying to go back to sleep. Everytime, I promise myself that I'll remember them and every time I don't. You'd think I'd learn.
Everything I read about good health stresses getting enough "proper" sleep. I can stay in bed all day long, but deep sleep pretty much elludes me. So I am doomed to being awake in the middle of the night scheeming about how to sound proof my room and what to write my novel about.
Uncle Marcel's blog about the good life discertation on food makes me feel better about my limited food buffet--same breakfast every morning, pretty much the same lunch every day and a choice of about three things well within my calorie zone for dinner. Now if I could just stay away from all those potato chips and chocolate chip cookies trying to seduce me, I'd be home free.
Have you seen the new weight lose product made from 15 herbs and spices. It's a little pill. There was a write up in the tv guide (3 pages) in which a women described how she's tried every diet and nothing works, but with this little pill each morning on an empty stomach, she was able to lose 7 to 10 pounds per week. It saved her marriage. Right, I'm thinking--that guy needs to be history, but I digress. What's the catch? I'm looking and looking through the entire three pages, reading all the small print. The way it works is to prevent fats from attaching to cells, so they go right through you. When something sounds to good to be true, it is, so I'm looking for the catch. It's not in that article, but I had seen another product that promised fat wouldn't stay in your body, so I went back to that little booklet. That one was called alli. So I go to the material where they talk about their little pill. Buried in the middle is a warning to wear dark clothing and purhaps start taking the product on days when you can stay at home since you won't be able to control your bowel movements or even feel them taking the product. Talk about a catch.
Oh well, exercise is suppose to release endorphines and that's a good thing. I've been going to curves for years now and I'm not feeling the endorphines--I don't think I'm doing it right. So my new thing is if I don't sweat, it doesn't count. My pulse was 128 all last week and it was 133 this morning, so that's progress (I think). Isn't exercise supposed to help you sleep better? One can hope.
At July 13, 2008 at 9:20 AM,
Marcel said…
Potato chips and chocolate cookies do not belong in a dieter's pantry.
If the resting heart rate goes up, as yours did, it is evidence that you are under stress. When it is lower the stress is less.
Good for you to research the effects of taking the pills. The best way to lose is to eat less. That means the total abdicaton of the term, "eat until you are full." The new mantra: "leave the table when still hungry." That usually plays out to mean, no desert, ever. You must yourself enough to enforce such tough love into your life. When that is accomplished, life is good.
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