Here is sunny California, we went from chilly to hot overnight. I haven't put away my snowman rug and only reluctantly folded my flannel sheets, missing them right away. But last night it was hot in California--like 90 degrees. Today I didn't even wear a coat to go to the gym.
So that got me thinking about gardening. Well actually, it was probably my neighbors down the street out this morning in their full gardening gear, pulling weeds that got me thinking about gardening, but the weather must be why my roses in the front are looking so great. Anyone (me) looking at my full bushes of roses in the front yard would think--wow, I'm a great gardener. Ok, I hire a gardener and he picked out the bushes and he planted them and he installed the watering system and he fixes the watering system and he maintains the roses and they only look this great when the weather converges exactly right, but I have actually dead headed the bushes six times. Ok, that is six times over seven years, but still they are my rose bushes.
But why would I want to be a great gardener--who wants to get their hands all dirty--dirt that never gets out from under your finger nails--yucky dead weeds--stinky dead plants--water on your shoes. They do have really cool gardening gloves though. I could never get those to work--I can't get a good grip on a weed in gloves and then the gloves get left outside and get all dirty and yucky. It never really works out. My one great regret.
I have a little patch of dirt right outside the garage that I pass by everyday. Everyday I wish that the little patch of dirt had flowers growing in it, instead of garbage piled up on it. Every once in a while I get industrious and I clear it off, but the only time I tried to grow anything, I quickly realized that the only source of water for this little piece of dirt would be me--very unreliable source indeed. For a little while there was a broken water pipe under the little patch of dirt, but I had it fixed before any really hardy weeds took over. Over the years somehow a bag of kitty liter got spilled over the little patch of dirt. I'm pretty sure nothing will want to grow there without a great deal of effort and possibly know how--both in short supply.
Remodel or move--I just can't decide.
So that got me thinking about gardening. Well actually, it was probably my neighbors down the street out this morning in their full gardening gear, pulling weeds that got me thinking about gardening, but the weather must be why my roses in the front are looking so great. Anyone (me) looking at my full bushes of roses in the front yard would think--wow, I'm a great gardener. Ok, I hire a gardener and he picked out the bushes and he planted them and he installed the watering system and he fixes the watering system and he maintains the roses and they only look this great when the weather converges exactly right, but I have actually dead headed the bushes six times. Ok, that is six times over seven years, but still they are my rose bushes.
But why would I want to be a great gardener--who wants to get their hands all dirty--dirt that never gets out from under your finger nails--yucky dead weeds--stinky dead plants--water on your shoes. They do have really cool gardening gloves though. I could never get those to work--I can't get a good grip on a weed in gloves and then the gloves get left outside and get all dirty and yucky. It never really works out. My one great regret.
I have a little patch of dirt right outside the garage that I pass by everyday. Everyday I wish that the little patch of dirt had flowers growing in it, instead of garbage piled up on it. Every once in a while I get industrious and I clear it off, but the only time I tried to grow anything, I quickly realized that the only source of water for this little piece of dirt would be me--very unreliable source indeed. For a little while there was a broken water pipe under the little patch of dirt, but I had it fixed before any really hardy weeds took over. Over the years somehow a bag of kitty liter got spilled over the little patch of dirt. I'm pretty sure nothing will want to grow there without a great deal of effort and possibly know how--both in short supply.
Remodel or move--I just can't decide.
At May 1, 2007 at 4:00 AM,
EZ Travel said…
I so understand this. Thinking about gardening is much better than actually doing gardening. As you could see in my post, I like my dirt is nice clean bags where I know I won't find any worms.
At May 1, 2007 at 8:09 AM,
Sean M. said…
A little dirt under the finger nails is worth the beauty you'll get from your plants. Plus, not to mention all that extra oxygen...
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