I Like Country Music
Who knew? Jackson had the movie "Cars" that he watched when he visited us. He would watch about an hour and then stop. Then he would watch the same hour again and stop. Finally, when Erika was out, I talked him into watching the whole movie, so that I could see the end. I just loved the music in that movie and sang and hummed the tunes for days. Finally, I went on line to find out who was doing the singing. Some band called Rascal Flats did the main song that I really liked. I didn't know the name, but the more I listened to the song the more I realized that it's probably country. There were also two songs that were really pretty and it turns out sung by the same guy--Richard Paisley. I think I might like a whole album of his songs, but as I said to Erika, maybe I'll just try the soundtrack for cars since I already know I like these songs.
I used to like music a lot. I liked many kinds of music and knew most singers after a few notes. Now, the bands that Adam listens to are all Greek to me. I know nothing about today's music at all. I think Blink 22 is a band, but I have no idea what they sing. If someone had said Rascal Flats to me, I would have known that it was a band and not a place, but I never would have pegged it as Country. I have a vague feeling that I like the music by Bare Naked Ladies, but I have no idea what they sing. I'm pretty sure it's three guys in the band, but I know better than to bet any money on it. Adam just got a sweatshirt with ACDC on it. Thank goodness the kids listen to the music from my generation still. Not that I could tell you anything that ACDC sang--I never liked heavy metal (or country for that matter).
The kids in my class wanted to know what kind of music I like (this was before I saw the movie Cars). Is Pop still a kind of music. I wanted to say Rock and Roll, but that's not very descriptive anymore. When I said Pop, they said, like Neil Diamond. No. Like Rod Stewart. They nodded. Are Rod Stewart and Neil Diamond the same now. When did that happen.
Melody asked if anyone had any albums, because Jon got a record player for Christmas--did I read that correctly. They still make record players? Where will you find new needles? That was always the toughest part--saving up the couple of bucks to buy a new needle. No, Melody, Adrienne took all my albums and sold them. I kept two, but I'm afraid I have no idea what has become of them. Elton John "Captian Fantastic" and Boston. I can't remember the name of the Boston album, but I can sing the whole thing if you start me off.
I also had Led Zepplin "Stairway to Heaven", but that is the only song I could identify by Led Zepplin. "And as we wind on down the road" that's me, winding down. "Our shadows taller than our souls" well, I have no idea what that means. "There walks a lady we all know. Who shines white light and wants to show. And if you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last. When all are one and one is all. To be a Rock and not a Roll." I love that "lock the cashbox" commercial. I guess indecipherable lyrics never really go out of style.
I used to like music a lot. I liked many kinds of music and knew most singers after a few notes. Now, the bands that Adam listens to are all Greek to me. I know nothing about today's music at all. I think Blink 22 is a band, but I have no idea what they sing. If someone had said Rascal Flats to me, I would have known that it was a band and not a place, but I never would have pegged it as Country. I have a vague feeling that I like the music by Bare Naked Ladies, but I have no idea what they sing. I'm pretty sure it's three guys in the band, but I know better than to bet any money on it. Adam just got a sweatshirt with ACDC on it. Thank goodness the kids listen to the music from my generation still. Not that I could tell you anything that ACDC sang--I never liked heavy metal (or country for that matter).
The kids in my class wanted to know what kind of music I like (this was before I saw the movie Cars). Is Pop still a kind of music. I wanted to say Rock and Roll, but that's not very descriptive anymore. When I said Pop, they said, like Neil Diamond. No. Like Rod Stewart. They nodded. Are Rod Stewart and Neil Diamond the same now. When did that happen.
Melody asked if anyone had any albums, because Jon got a record player for Christmas--did I read that correctly. They still make record players? Where will you find new needles? That was always the toughest part--saving up the couple of bucks to buy a new needle. No, Melody, Adrienne took all my albums and sold them. I kept two, but I'm afraid I have no idea what has become of them. Elton John "Captian Fantastic" and Boston. I can't remember the name of the Boston album, but I can sing the whole thing if you start me off.
I also had Led Zepplin "Stairway to Heaven", but that is the only song I could identify by Led Zepplin. "And as we wind on down the road" that's me, winding down. "Our shadows taller than our souls" well, I have no idea what that means. "There walks a lady we all know. Who shines white light and wants to show. And if you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last. When all are one and one is all. To be a Rock and not a Roll." I love that "lock the cashbox" commercial. I guess indecipherable lyrics never really go out of style.
At January 8, 2007 at 3:06 PM,
Marcel said…
Kathy, you cover the gamout of music very well and I have no knowledge about any of it. I know you made up all those artists just to show you are aware of them all and to confuse people like me.
At January 8, 2007 at 7:27 PM,
Adrienne said…
Dixie Chicks are Country and you LOVE them. It is Brad paisley and I believe I have one of his cd's if you want to borrow it. And to clear up the I "took" your albums....I suggested selling them 15 years ago because they were just sitting in a corner with no record player in site. You agreed and that is what was done. And you throw it back at me every chance you get. The time has come to let it go. BTW it is Blink182.
At January 9, 2007 at 6:24 AM,
paulette said…
Say what you will about kids today but they have so much to learn and keep in their heads. I used to know every singer and every song but the variety was manageable.
I used to know the make and model of most cars by sight. But there were only four manufacturers and each one had 5 or 6 models, tops. (The only car prettier than the Ford Fairlane was the Dodge Royal Lancer)
I used to know all the hockey teams, but there were only six. And we had the Big 10 and the Pac 8, to say nothing of the Baltimore Colts.
My hat is off to today's kids and to a few adults I know who are cross generational.
At January 9, 2007 at 10:22 PM,
Megan said…
I've always loved Country. Dixie are country, well at least they were, the current CD is more rockish and I think thats the one you have. And I loved Rascal Flatt's "Life Is A Highway" too.
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