Whenever I'm Disappointed
I feel responsible to step up to the plate. I go and look for new blogs on Mom's list everyday. There is almost something new from Erika every day, but not always. Some people go long months in between blogs, while I feel neglectful if I allow a whole week. I recently heard about a book about blogging. It's called "No One Cares What You Had For Lunch." I do not want to know that, because sometimes I get very creative over something that happened at a lunch.
At our holiday party (which was my lunch actually) there was the normal (abnormal really) discussion about how little (variety) I eat. Marisa was there. Marisa also has a limited palate, so the discussion took on new and improved life. My office mates seem to love to marvel that I don't like fish. They rattle off dozens of types of fish and can't believe that I don't like any of them. Which part of I don't like fish is so hard to understand, I am always amazed. Then someone new realizes that I don't like vegetables. None, they can't believe it. Finally I am forced to admit in full disclosure that I do like corn and peas. Those are not vegetables they always insist. Well, there you go, we are right back to my original premise, I don't like vegetables. They won't let it go. Every time we must have the same protracted conversation. I try to be a good sport about it. I mean I am interferring with their concept of the universe and how it is supposed to work and all.
I get my best ideas for blogs when I wake up in the morning. It's NPR. I just love that program. This morning I composed a great blog. Then I went back to sleep. When I got up, I went for my two mile walk and instead of singing Christmas caroles in my head as I had planned, I went over everything sitting on my desk that's not done. I try to limit my stress, but sometimes it catches me anyway. Anyway, I'm getting old. I forgot the blog I had composed. I can't remember a single thing I was going to say. It's probably for the best. No one cares what I had for lunch anyway.
At our holiday party (which was my lunch actually) there was the normal (abnormal really) discussion about how little (variety) I eat. Marisa was there. Marisa also has a limited palate, so the discussion took on new and improved life. My office mates seem to love to marvel that I don't like fish. They rattle off dozens of types of fish and can't believe that I don't like any of them. Which part of I don't like fish is so hard to understand, I am always amazed. Then someone new realizes that I don't like vegetables. None, they can't believe it. Finally I am forced to admit in full disclosure that I do like corn and peas. Those are not vegetables they always insist. Well, there you go, we are right back to my original premise, I don't like vegetables. They won't let it go. Every time we must have the same protracted conversation. I try to be a good sport about it. I mean I am interferring with their concept of the universe and how it is supposed to work and all.
I get my best ideas for blogs when I wake up in the morning. It's NPR. I just love that program. This morning I composed a great blog. Then I went back to sleep. When I got up, I went for my two mile walk and instead of singing Christmas caroles in my head as I had planned, I went over everything sitting on my desk that's not done. I try to limit my stress, but sometimes it catches me anyway. Anyway, I'm getting old. I forgot the blog I had composed. I can't remember a single thing I was going to say. It's probably for the best. No one cares what I had for lunch anyway.
At December 17, 2006 at 9:56 AM,
marty said…
considering that you don't like much of anything, what did you have for lunch?
At December 17, 2006 at 10:07 AM,
EZ Travel said…
OMG, I think we can all relate to these conversations. My palate has increase dramatically since when I was a kid, but I still get the stupid "picky eater" comments.
My favorite is the person that when you say "I don't like green beans" (you can insert any food you like for green beans) will immediately respond with "Well, you have tried my green beans, you will love them when I make them." I make a mental note never to go to that person's house for dinner since they will undoubtedly serve green beans convinced that I will like them.
And, yes, I have tried green beans in many variations and I don't like green beans. Even yours.
At December 17, 2006 at 10:24 AM,
paulette said…
I had to jump through so many hoops to get to post this comment I forgot what I wanted to say.
Oh yeah. I hate the people that ask "Why don't you like fish?"
At December 18, 2006 at 10:43 AM,
KathrynVH said…
Well I didn't have the wine soaked steak that they tried to serve me, but I did have two slices of sourdough bread. Marisa is not lucky enough to like sourdough bread and so she had three pieces of wine soaked steak before she too gave up. I probably acquired a taste for sourdough bread because it looks so much like bread I really like that I kept eating it by mistake until I liked it. But don't ask me to do that to fish.
It is my fault that I have to have the conversation so often. If I just stared blankly back at them, they'd probably never bring it up again, but nooooo. I have to explain all my theories as to why I don't like fish. There's the environment I was raised in and then there's my ability to distinguish diet coke from diet pepsi. Anyone who's taste buds are sensitive enought to distinguish cola's cannot possibly like slimmy, stinky fish.
At December 19, 2006 at 11:55 AM,
Marcel said…
Your Grandmother did not like fish and did not eat it her entire life. She would cook it, but not eat it. There were other things she would not eat: hot dogs, shrimp, chinese food, and pizza. She loved corn, carrots, potatos, tomatos, string beans and radishes. My belief is that these vegetables were grown in Canadian gardens and she became accustomed to them while young.
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