The End is in Sight
I have been very very busy for a very very long time. Today my list of things to do was surprisingly short. My previous lists have lots of things crossed off and very few things left. I have a day and a half until I leave for the PTA Convention. I have three paperbacks and I'm ready for a break. Now all I have to do is push for one more day and a half and get everything else done. When I get back, I have to empty Mary's house. Everything that doesn't sell is going. I just assumed Good will would take everything, but they turned Jose away today, so they are off the list. I'll call St. Vincent de Paul. Then the house will be done and soon it will sell and then I'll really be done, except for the taxes. Then I'll really be done, except I'll be the president of pta, and then Adam will graduate and then I'll really be done (until Caitlyn is ready for girl scouts). The end is in sight. Good thing I have all those puzzles.
At May 1, 2007 at 6:53 AM,
paulette said…
St. Vincent DePaul are the ones that picked through my donations and only took the good stuff. They are off my list. I have found Purple Heart to be the best so far.
At May 2, 2007 at 2:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
The lines: then I will be done, then I will be done, have brought the memory of Steve Martin in "The Jerk."
At May 4, 2007 at 7:17 AM,
paulette said…
I am so out of the loop. Even Marcel is quoting The Jerk. When it first came out I remember thinking "Why would anybody even go see a movie where they know the main character is a Jerk"?
I would be more likely to go see a movie called "The Gentleman". But alas, most movies aimed at my demographic don't make enough money to warrant sequels.
At May 6, 2007 at 12:24 AM,
KathrynVH said…
"The new phone book is here, the new phone book is here." Greatest line ever. "The Jerk" (he was excited because his name was in print). Once I was in an elevator with Steve Martin. I was so freaked out, but Urs was with me and she didn't recognize him or even know who he was. I was so embarassed when she called out in the lobby "Who's Steve Martin?" when I tried to tell her after we got out. Poor Urs' claim to fame--insulting Steve Martin.
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