Procrastination (But I Digress)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


That is the only tape that I have in my room (I have only a vcr in my room), so of course if Caitlyn gets in there that's what she wants to watch. We know the whole movie by heart and I often can't stop myself from saying the line before the character. This morning Caitlyn surprised me by correcting me if I got the line slightly off. Smart as a whip that girl.

But spoiled too. I try to set boundaries and be a good influence, but she's so darn cute and I see her so little that it is very hard. She has a new tactic (did I mention how smart she is) when I won't budge from something she has to do (like get dressed or pick up her toys)--she races out of the room straight to mommy or grandma. Mommy or grandma don't know what the problem is, but Caitlyn is so darn cute that she is soon appeased and she's handily gotten out of what I wanted her to do. Smart as a whip that girl.

I got us a big blue book of stories such as Put Me In The Zoo and Go Dogs, Go. She almost knows them by heart, but not quite. She wants to read them by herself, but she gets frustrated because she gets to a page and she knows that there is more than she remembers, but she doesn't want me to read it to her, she wants me to remind her and then shut up. If she is really tired she lets me read it to her, but if I don't add the little sound effects that I sometimes add every time, well I'm in big trouble with Caitlyn. Smart as a whip that girl.

She started pre-school last week. I asked her how school was on Tuesday and she went into a long rant about how she hates school and everyone is mean and the teacher doesn't like her. I was a little distressed, so I tried to ask what she did and what other people did to make her feel that they didn't like her and she sighed and said it was fine. Then we got interupted. The next day I asked her how was school and she said it was fine. I asked a few more questions and I could feel that she still was not too happy about school. Then Adrienne (her grandma) came in and asked how was school. Caitlyn gave a big sigh and said it was fine. Getting tired of being asked that question and has a stock response. Smart as a whip that girl.

When I was in first grade, for whatever reason, I did not fit in. I could tell who the popular kids were right away and I was not one of them. For years I wondered what I could have done differently to be a popular kid right off the bat in first grade, because the same kids who were popular in first grade continued to be popular all through to high school. [As adults, different story, but I digress.] So I think about Caitlyn not being happy in school and I wonder what I can do to make it more positive--to make her more popular. This morning her mommy laid out shorts and a grey tee shirt. These are great, serviceable clothes if you are going to play hard at the park or build mud pies, but they don't make my baby look cute and adorable. Caitlyn loves to wear dresses so that when she twirls around her dress flies out. She reminds me of a fairy princess. I want to play fairy godmother and dress my little Cinderella. I want her to be happy going to school, because in case I haven't mentioned it, Smart as a whip that girl.


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